Chapter 20

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The next day
I wake up in the morning and I really don't want to go to school, but if I want a good grade then I must go today
Skip to getting into school
Me and Yammy walk into school and we talk to all our friends, but Oli is no where to be seen, I guess he is still really mad at me. When the bell rang I went to class and sat in my seat, but then teacher comes around and gives everyone a test, great another thing to worry about.
The bell rings
Thank god thats over, I meet up with everyone and I said hi to everyone, well everyone except Oli. I see Joel on the other side of the lunch hall talking to Laura, he didn't look very happy but Laura seemed to be enjoying herself. Joel looked over at me and smiled, I quickly looked away, Laura saw him look in the direction I was then she put her face right in front of his, wow attention seeker much.
Skip to end of school
When me and Yammy was walking back from school, she invited me round o her house, she then said to me
Yammy: what happened after that walk you had yesterday, you never talked to me after.
Lizzie: well, I was walking to the park and then I just saw Oli sat on a bench by himself looking at the ground
Yammy: did he see you
Lizzie: no, but then it started to rain and he just stayed sat there while I put my hood up and ran home
Yammy: It sounds like he's depressed, he might not be mad at you, he might of just got over it
Lizzie: i'm not to sure
Yammy: how about I text him and see if he is alright, cause lets face it he wont respond to you
Lizzie: yea your right
Yammy gets out her phone and actually lets me do the writing
(So in the text chat where it says Yammy its actually Lizzie)
Yammy: hey Oli are you ok, why didn't you come into school today
We waited like 10 minutes for a response when he finally texts back
Oli: I just wanted to be alone for a bit, ok
Yammy: is there something wrong, did we do anything to hurt you
Oli: you did nothing wrong, I am just lost in my emotions
Yammy: is this about Lizzie
Oli: I don't know, I just want to know what is going on with myself
Yammy: well if yo need any support I am always here
Oli: thanks Yammy
End of conversation
Well he didn't mention anything negative about me. I give Yammy her phone back, and then I leave to go back home. When I get home mum is at work and Maddie was visiting our dad, which left me home alone. I made dinner for me and my mum, assuming that Maddie is staying the night at dads, I made bangers and mash (sausages and mashed potatoes). I served mine and my mums meal and I put hers in the oven, which was still warm. I ate my dinner and watched some Netflix on the tv while waiting for my mum to come home. When she finally arrived home I gave her the dinner I made for her and she said she enjoyed it, which made me happy. I finished a episode of friends then I went up to my room and tried to fall asleep. I kept on thinking about Oli, I felt so bad for him, he probably hates me so much. I eventually decided to text him to see if he was ok, even though it was 10:00 and I pretended to be Yammy
Lizzie: hey Oli are you alright, you weren't in school so I came to ask if you were ok
Oli: I just need some space Lizzie
Lizzie; are you still mad at me
Oli: I don't know what I am feeling right now, I wont be in school tomorrow either
Lizzie: oh ok, I hope you will feel better soon
Oli: thanks
He didn't get annoyed at me, i'm guessing thats a good sign
Oli's POV
I didn't go into school today, I just didn't feel like it. I don't know what to think, am I mad at Lizzie??? I just want things to be normal, I bet she is still seeing Joel, he is such a rat. Lizzie is such a sweet girl, how could she do this to me, I know we weren't together but we both said we loved each other. I got a text from Yammy asking if I was ok (text conversation above). I then watched some Netflix , then at 10:00 I got a text from Lizzie (text conversation above). I decided to try to forget about everything by going to sleep, so I got into bed and fell asleep straight away.

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