Chapter 15

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The bell rings
I walk to class with Scott, as he is in the Same class as me, and we see Lauren, She looks really angry, what is she mad about.
Skip to the end of school
It thee end of school now, I need to find Yammy and tiff and apologise to them. I meet up with them and I say,
Lizzie: hi guys, sorry about what happened yesterday, I just didn't believe tat Lauren would would do that
Yammy: its ok don't worry, we also found out something else
Tiff: yeah and it is not good
Yammy: we have some video evidence on tiffs phone from when we called Lauren
Tiff opens her phone and then shows me the recording, why would Lauren do this to me.
Lizzie: I am going to record a YouTube video about all of this to expose Lauren.
I go home and invite Oli to come over and help me with this video. Oli arrives and Scott and tiff sent me the recordings that they made and we start the video. We talked about what actually happened at the party we had and say that Lauren said to everyone that she was going to post the photo of me and Oli while we weren't there. I put in all the recordings we had, apart from the part when she said she liked Oli, then I said to the viewers to not send hate to Lauren. Me and Oli edit the video and then upload It. When it finished uploading we looked through the comments, most of them were shipping me and Oli together and there was loads of hate comments on Lauren, even though I told them to not send hate, but they still did. A couple day later, Lauren uploaded a apology video. She said that it was all for fun and that she didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, but she still got loads of hate comments. I didn't really want to forgive her as she humiliated me an said that she didn't really like me. I feel like this apology video is fake, she just doesn't want to look like a bad person.
The next day
At school we didn't see Lauren, i'm not surprised. Everyone in a friend group felt bad for her, but I wasn't.
Skip to after school, cause its boring to write about school
I get home and just flop on my bed, I then hear my phone ringing, it was Oli, my mood changed to happy. I picked up and his is what happened
Lizzie: hi Oli, what's up
Oli: hey Lizzie, I was wondering would you like to go on a da-, I mean go grab some ice cream as friends
Lizzie: sure, when do you want to go
Oli: is 5;00 ok
Lizzie: yeah that's fine
Oli: see you there,
Lizzie: ok see ya
I end the call, was he about to ask me out on a date
Oh no, I was about to say date, I hope Lizzie didn't hear me almost say date. We aren't going on a date, we are just going to grab some ice cream together. Ok time to get ready
Lizzie's POV
I start to get ready to meet Oli at the ice cream place. It's now 4:40 I should probably start to leave now, I grab my jacket and grab my keys and as i'm about to leave I hear a knock at the door. I go and open it and I see Oli,
Lizzie: Oh hi Oli, I was just about to leave to go
Oli: I just thought it would be nice for me to come to pick you up.
Lizzie: thank you Oli
Oli: your welcome, we should probably go now
Lizzie: yeah we should
We get into Oli's car and we set off to the ice cream parlour, it was quite silent on the way there but then Oli says
Oli: so what's been happening I your life
Lizzie: not a lot really, I have just been hanging out and talking with Yammy a lot, and then now we are going to get ice cream together
Oli: jolly good
We arrive at the ice cream parlour and then we get our ice cream, we sit down on a near by bench and talk about life. As we are just sitting there and talking, Lauren walks over to us....
To be continued

Ldshadowlady heart break Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ