Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: I have nothing against the YouTubers in this story, it's just my stupid Imagination. Now that I got that out of the way, enjoy my crappy story.
Plus i know this is a really short chapter but they get longer as they go along cause i started this story at 12 years old (and i didn't know how to write a frickin story) and i have decided to continue it.

When i woke up in the morning, i got ready to go to go school. When i finished getting dressed i got my school bag packed some of the books i would need for today, some books were in my locker so my bag wasn't so heavy today, i then closed my bag, then ate some food. While I waited for Yammy to come i sat on the sofa and scrolled through the comments from my latest YouTube video. When the door bell rang i got up grabbed my bag and opened the door to not only see Yammy, but someone who I recognised, she looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.
Yammy: hi Lizzie
Lizzie: hi Yammy, who is this?
Yammy: oh i thought you would of known her
???: hi my name is Tiffany, but you can call me Tiff
Lizzie: (shakes her hand)
Tiff: i have a YouTube channel called ihascupquake
That's where i have seen her before
Yammy: sorry to intrude but we should get going to school now, we don't want to be late
Lizzie: oh yeah
I shut my door and set off to school. Tiff talks to me about her YouTube channel while we walk to school. As we arrive i go to my locker to get the rest of my books for my next class, when the bell rings i show tiff to her class, as she was a new student, then i speed walk to my class as i was already 3 minutes late.
Teacher: Elizabeth you are late where have you been
Lizzie: Sorry sir i was showing a new student to her class
Teacher: ok ill let you off this time, but don't be late again
Lizzie: i wont sir

I know that this is a REALLY short chapter, but this is my first fanfic, i promise it will get better along the way

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