
"It is kinda shocking" Hoseok laughed.

"But it is cute" Namjoon said while giggling.

"I know! I ship them!" Hoseok join Namjoon as they giggle together.

"But Y/N been ignoring Yoongi hyung, which makes him doesn't believe that she's feeling the same way"

"Well I mean any girl would do that no? They would felt shy and he didn't even say anything about that!"

"I doubt that he would actually confess to her"

"Knowing him, I'm pretty sure he won't"

Seokjin in silence as he heard the conversation before he slam his hand on the table, making the boys startled.

"I know!" Seokjin exclaimed.

"We should make a plan for him to confess to her! Then it will all be perfect!" he continued as he stare at the boys.

"Oh oh! It's cute! Should we do it like in drama?"

"Like calling both of them together to one place?" Namjoon suggested.

"Wow! You're a genius Namjoon!" Seokjin high five him.

"And he just said that he won't intervene their relationship" Jimin sighed at the older boy.


Yoongi furrowed his brows.

After that night, the boys didn't tease him about Y/N anymore and they even stop asking about it. At first he's suspicious but soon he just shrug it off. He have other things to think about.

BTS just finished their schedule. They are now headed towards the agency as they have dance practice. Yoongi share the van with Jimin as he keep glancing at Yoongi and hold up his giggle. Yoongi stare at him as he began to speak.

"Spit it out, Park Jimin"

"What hyung?" Jimin turned his head towards the older guy.

"Spit it out what ever you're thinking" Yoongi glare at him.

"What? I'm not thinking about anything" Jimin let out a small smile.

Yoongi sighed.

"I swear Park Jimin, if you-"

"Oh look! We already arrived!"

Yoongi sighed as Jimin exited the van. Soon later he followed him behind as well as the rest of the boys. As they arrived at the company, they immediately went towards the practice room. But something stopped them in their way.

A laughter voice could be heard as the boys glance at each other confusedly. Soon, the door of a meeting room is opened, revealing Bang PD nim. The boys start to bow towards him as he bow back.

"Oh, practice boys?"

"Yes PD-nim" Namjoon, their leader answered him.

"Alright, keep up the good work boys"

The boys noded and bow to him again as they were about to make their way to the practice room before Bang PD nim stopped them again.


"Since you guys are here. Y/N, come here" Bang PD nim said as he motioning the girl who's inside the room to come out.

Y/N who's talking to the staff inside start to follow his request as she make her way out, not knowing that the boys are outside. As she reach the door, she widen her eyes as she saw that 8 pairs of eyes are looking at her with the same wide eyes.

"What do you think?"

Yoongi who's not interested before start to widen his eyes as he felt his breathing stopped. There, in front of him standing the girl. She cut her hair as now she have a shoulder length hair. He swear that she look more fresh and cute than before with her long hair. His eyes shake as he start to glance toward the other side as he felt that the girl notice his stare.

"When did you cut your hair? Didn't you stay at Dawon noona apartment last night?" Jimin asked.

"I went to the company right away and then the staff decided to cut my hair"

"I thought that since it's summer soon, a short hair would fit Y/N well" Bang PD nim added.

"D-did you not like it?" Y/N bit her lips.

"N-No! It's just that.."

"It's just that you look hot" Namjoon said, earning a smack from Seokjin.

"Ow! Hyung!" Namjoon rubed his shoulder that's being smacked on.

"You! How could you say that to my sister!" Seokjin keep on hitting his shoulder.

"You look really mature and fresh Y/N" Hoseok said.

"Thank you hobi oppa" Y/N let out a small smile at the boy.

"So Kim Y/N is an adult now" Jungkook chuckle.

"So are you Jeon Jungkook" Y/N stick out her tongue at him as they both laugh at each other.

"You'll suit the summer photoshoot well" Jimin said, earning a smile from the girl.

"Honestly I would date you if you're available" Taehyung said, making the boys startled as they stare at him. Meanwhile Y/N furrowed her brows at his words.

"..if I'm available?" Y/N tilt her head.

"I-I mean if you're not Seokjin hyung little sister. Yeah that haha" Taehyung said as he let out a fake laugh, making the girl more confused at him.

Yoongi clear his throat, making all of their attention fell on him.

"We should practice" he said as he then start to walk away alone to the practice room, leaving the boys with Y/N.

"Oh right!"

"Let's go then!"

"Y/N, would you come?" Jimin asked.

"Sadly I have a meeting for a project oppa" Y/N smile sadly.

"Okay then I'll see you in the dorm?"


Y/N smile as Seokjin kiss her head. She then bid her goodbye at the boys as she make her way away from them.

Jimin smacked Taehyung.

"That was a close one!"

"Do you guys think she would think about that?"

"Nah, I doubt it"

"Okay guys we have to do our plan smoothly!"

Seokjin put out his hand as the rest of the boys put their hand on each other and they let out a cheer.

"Operation 1 : Making Yoongi confess his feelings to Y/N. Begin!!!!"

Short filler here. Thank you for supporting my story :D
I really felt motivated reading all of your comments. Thank you so much 😭😭

Kim Seok Jin's Little Sister | MYGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें