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[ warning: heavy mentions/descriptions of panic(+anxiety) attacks ]

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what's keeping her afloat?


With the house all to herself once again, Wynter decided to engage in a well-needed conversation with Peyton seeing as the pair hadn't been in contact much recently due to their hectic schedules and the difference in time zones. So when time soon gave them the opportunity they took it. While they did so, Wynter had all of her project equipment out so then she could maximum her productivity levels.

"I know it's been a few weeks since the whole ordeal on the pitch but I'm still pissed off, you know," Peyton said with Dylan relaxing on her lap as he entertained himself with the cartoons in front of him. "The match happened how long ago and only now is the time that they have decided to hand out their punishments? I mean, there wasn't even anything so complex about their supposed investigation so I don't know why they took so long. If it were anyone else this investigation of theirs would've ended a long time ago."

Peyton's words came with their rightful truth. While investigating discriminatory acts such as racism towards a player wasn't a major priority for the FA, they still managed to carry out their job to take care of the situation. However, whenever it came to sorting out any of Wynter's situations, their efforts to source some kind of justice for Wynter couldn't even level with their efforts when dealing with other players-clearly demonstrating to the french player their priorities within football.

Walking into the away changing rooms after Liverpool won against Aston Villa was it only then when Wynter found out that Harvey was to be fined for his acts against her while those Leicester City fans were prohibited from going to another football match again. I mean, yeah, she felt a bit of relief hearing the news from her teammates but at the same time, like Peyton pointed out, Wynter's case wasn't so abstract that the FA needed a whole month to come to a conclusion as to what punishments they should roll out.

"I feel you Peyton, I really do but as much as I hate to say it, it is what it is now. Justice was served. It came late but it was still served at the end of the day," she shrugged. "It's in the past so all I can really do now is just move on from it in hopes that things will change for the better," Wynter said, brows furrowed as she continued to jot down notes in her refill pad.

"Out of everyone in this situation, I thought you would be the one most annoyed by the news. You should have seen Nate when he heard the news. He was not happy at all."

"Well, I was annoyed, angry – a mixture of emotions the day of the match and I still am hearing the news. But at the same time, I can't place my energy all on this situation because quite frankly, I've got other things to place my energy on. Like my project which is almost coming to a close and—"

Peyton gasped. "Your birthday!"

"I was actually going to say our match against Man City but I guess that works too," Wynter let out a laugh.

"Awe, you're going to be twenty-one!" Peyton exclaimed, clapping Dylan's little hands together with her own, causing Wynter to awe over the sight of her nephew's overjoyed expression. "The next time you're over in Cali I'm definitely buying your first drink."

"First thing's first, I'm already legal to drink here in the UK. Second, I don't even drink so don't even bother."

"I know, but it would still be fun if I did," Peyton sighed, letting Dylan on the floor so he wasn't in the frame anymore. "Anyway, what do you plan on doing for your birthday?"

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