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difference within jealousy

The scouse let out a hoarse groan once his brown irises were exposed to the natural brightness concealed by Wynter's narrow curtains. He wiped a hand over his face, almost in attempts to retrieve the sufficient energy necessary for the day ahead of him. He turned his head to his right, catching sight of a hushed Wynter in slumber, her head comfortably rested against his chest, causing his little grin to grow tighter by the second.

Despite the abundant ounces of reassurance that the french girl granted Trent from time to time, sometimes it confused him as to how he still had Wynter in his arms, how he still had the privilege to call her his own and vice versa—how even though she was obliged to be surrounded by various men (some of whom Trent knew had lurking eyes on his girlfriend), she never spared any of them a glance of love nor lust—because she always came back to him at the end of the day.

And this always managed to surprise the scouse every time, knowing that Wynter favoured him over other players. Back in his pre-Wynter days, understanding that he was claiming a name for himself in football while many girls were growing interested in him, his previous lovers were the ones who sourced their reassurance from the scouse himself, Trent constantly stating that he wouldn't let them walk astray – which he found quite ironic since he now was the partner who needed the reassurance in the relationship.

As much as he didn't want to have that constant thought of being left alone by Wynter, it was surely there. I mean, the pair have had many rough patches throughout their first season together so, in a way or two, the scouse had his rights to worry, never knowing when some player could snatch up his girlfriend before he could react.

Shaking those negative thoughts of his mind, Trent focused his attention back on the sleeping player in his arms, pulling her into his embrace while he pressed a kiss on her forehand. He sighed in content, rubbing her back. "I love you. . . so much."

"I love you too, T." She mumbled into his chest, her eyes still closed.

Trent laughed, glancing down at her. "So you were up this whole time?"

"Just for the last few minutes." Even though Wynter's face was still stuffed in his chest, Trent could feel the smile on her face. "But I'm up now for sure."

"Are you up to go out today?" Trent asked.

She pulled away from his embrace so she was lying on her back, glancing up at him. She nodded. "Yeah, definitely. My mom freed my schedule for the day, but I've got things to do tomorrow so let's use today to go on a date or whatever you have in mind."

His brows furrowed. "What do you have to do tomorrow?" The squad didn't have training the following day so he couldn't identify a logical reason as to how she could be busy tomorrow.

Wynter shrugged. "The meetings with FIFA and UEFA begin soon so I've to make sure I'm ready for them," when his facial expression didn't change, she sighed. "I told you. Come on, Trent. . ."

"No, no, it's fine. I'm sorry. I know, you told me and I forgot. That's one me." He brought her into his embrace, pressing a kiss along her neck.

"It's alright, I know you don't mean any harm when you ask." A small grin reappeared on her face, her hands feeling along the nape of his neck when he pulled away. "You know I wouldn't go out of my way to hurt you in any way, right?"

"Yeah, I know. It's just that," Trent sighed, trying to find the right words to say. "Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that someone like you is with someone like me."

Wynter scoffed. "Someone like you? Trent, we have the same occupation. I don't think either of us is out of each other's leagues in any way."

"Well, that's just my honest truth."

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