Sidon's meeting pt. 2

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~Nobody's POV~
"I'm Zelda!" she squealed from being ignored."Nice you zelda i'm Mipha me and your sister are good friend's!" the older zora exclaimed. "So this is your younger brother? He's cuter than what you told me!" y/n gushed at his cuteness. Sidon suddenly hid behind hid sister's leg. Y/n thought she siad something wrong. Mipha laughed at his reaction seeing her brother's shyness.
~Y/n POV~
I thought I had said something wrong so I went to apoligize before getting caught off by my father. "Mipha could you show them to their rooms?" Mipha looked at him then us. "Of course your highness!" she said a little disapionted but she did so. "Follow me..." she said as she walked towards the guest rooms. In the corner of my eye is saw sidon look disapionted as well. "Come here Sidon i'll carry you!" I told him with my cheecks a little pink."Really! his eye's lit up with exciment. "Of course!"I opened my arm's and he jumped into them. He looked so cute! I can feel him sniggling into my chest.

~Sidon POV~
I snugled into her chest as she carried me into the domain. As we made our way to the guest chambers I could feel the other Zoras gaze on Y/n and me. I felt proud I was in her arms but at the same time this other feeling I had never felt. (so like any other cheesy romance he ignored it) She set me down once we where infront of the room she set me down. She opened the doors to the room and I just stood there. I mean what am i gonna do walk in someone else's room. No i'ma gentle men im better than that.(-_- DuH) I watched as her and zelda put there bag's down then Y/n walked over to me. "Are you coming in or not!"she looked at with this wierd look on her face. Like it was obviose I should come in. I walked in and I sat on the couch in the room."The way Zora's desighn things is so beatiful!"y/n exclaimed."Yeah pretty!"zelda agreed."Well the builder's use speacail stones I don't recal what they were-""SIDON WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mipha suddenly yelled in a paniced state from across the hall."With Y/N in her room!"he replied.She then came into the room."Sorry <nickname> i'm gonna take him because we have traing i forgot about."she said apolageticly."Oh your right father did say we had important traing this morning!"I said gettting up from the couch and running over to Mipha.

~Y/n POV~
I was a little disapionted that siddy has to go. That's my new nickname for him! I waved good bye at miphy and siddy.(i'm sorry if you don't like them you can commet better one if you want!) I looked over at zelda happly waving at them."Zelda we need to go chech on Dad he's in the throne room. Come." I said motioning for her to follow. We walked down the hall then asked a guard for direction's. I saw bazz out and about."Hey Bazz there's someone I want you to meet!" I hollered to him. "Ok be there in a sec" he said while waving. He ran over to me then looked at zelda suspicosly."Your not trying to harm the princess are you?!" he asked while looking very alarmed. "No Bazz (insert a laugh) she's my little sister Zelda!" you said while laughing."Oh my bad...I'm sincerly sorry!"he said while bowing."It's ok! Any way i'm zelda nice to meet you!" she then gave him a cheesy smile."I'm bazz a guard in training
and i've been trainging in sword fighting under your sister's watch!" he said proudly. "Wow I didn't realize how cool you where Y/n!"

Ok that's all for today! Thank's for reading tell me if you like it so far by voting or cometing! love ya guys <3
679 words

~The sweet Red candy and the Lime~Sidon x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu