"Miss Kim, could you please answer the question?"

Everyone stared at her as her breath quickened. Her eyes looked everywhere, but nowhere in particular. It was getting so hard to breathe.

Remember what the doctor said, Yong. You can do this. Just count to twenty.

Yongsun closed her eyes as she counted.

1... 2... 3... 4...

"Miss Kim, are you feeling alright?" The professor moved closer as the class have her space.

5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10...

She opened her eyes to see the professor's hand on her shoulder. That's when the tears came, and didn't stop.

"Miss Kim, calm down, please."

Oh yes, of course, I haven't been trying to do that.

She was hearing herself wheezing, gasping for air, only to find that barely no oxygen was passing to her lungs. She knew she would black out if she didn't control herself.

She was suffocating. This whole situation was suffocating. Her mind was suffocating. She couldn't breathe. Her mind never let her breathe.

She was staring to get dizzy, her vision darkening.

11... 12... 13...

"What's wrong with her?" She heard a distant voice ask. "What a freak."

Yeah, that did it.

The last thing she heard is the professor asking someone to call an ambulance, and her forehead hit the desk in front of her.

Yongsun's parents were called once again. Usually, they would just tell the hospital to let Yongsun go as soon as she woke up, but this time, they decided enough was enough. They got on a plane and flew to Seoul as soon as they could, giving specific instructions not to discharge Yongsun. Although Yongsun was an adult, due to her situation, her parents had the power to make this decision.

A few hours later, Yongsun woke up, hearing the familiar beep of the machines she had been tied to, for absolutely no reason. She wasn't dying, she had a panic attack. She was already a regular at the hospital.

Her head was pounding, her eyes hurt, and her mouth was dry. Same old, same old, am I right?

The usual nurse entered the room a few minutes later, carrying a glass of water and some aspirin, she set it down on the table next to Yongsun.

"You know, Yongsun, you really need to think about getting some help for that." She said, sitting on the bed.

"N-No need Mrs. Jeong. I am alright." Yongsun replied shyly, not daring to look at the nurse, scared that her fear would be evident on her face.

"The panic attacks have been more frequent." Mrs. Jeong pointed out. "Besides, you've known me for two years and you still can't look at me when you talk to me. There's no shame in getting help sweetheart."

Mrs. Jeong was Yongsun's favorite nurse. It was also the only nurse she would talk to. The older lady had this motherly demeanor that made Yongsun more comfortable than usual, albeit still uncomfortable.

"I-I know. I just d-don't think I need it." Yongsun said quietly, her thumbs fidgeting. She finally lifted her head to look at the nurse, silently asking the question she was afraid to ask.

"I'm sorry, kid. This time we can't let you go. Your parents didn't allow it." She said, patting Yongsun's leg, before standing up and making her way to the door, since she had other matters to attend to.

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