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Here's the first chapter! Hope you like it!

Kim Yongsun was on her way to class. She was enrolled in a Seoul National University undergraduate degree program of English Language and Literature. English had always been fascinating to her, so she decided to study it further, so that maybe one day she could move to an English speaking country and continue her life there.

She was on foot. It was a sunny day and buses were too cramped at eight in the morning. Yongsun didn't like crowded places, at all. Of course the street wasn't close to being deserted either, but at least she was in constant movement, not giving people enough time to stare. Because she was sure they were staring. They're always staring and judging in their minds.

She was wearing a discreet, normal outfit. She just threw on some blue jeans, and put on a dark blue sweater, matching that with some white sneakers. Just the same as everyone else, so that she wouldn't feel judged as she walked through the streets of Seoul and her university.

Yongsun lived off campus so that she could avoid having to live with someone. Her parents, knowing very well what living with a roommate could set off, had allowed her to rent a very small apartment not too far from campus. That's where she'd been living for the past two years.

Yongsun's routine consisted simply of going to class, and returning home to study. She had no friends, no one to talk with, no one to help her with her homework and projects.

It was better this way. Without having to be completely insecure about every single thing.

"What if they're just pretending to like me?"

This was a thought that had ruined basically all of Yongsun's relationships. Her highschool friends were constantly annoyed by it, and her lovers just got sick of it.

That's one of the main reasons Yongsun had decided to go to a university that was really far from home. If she didn't talk to them, they wouldn't have to be annoyed. They wouldn't have to be burdened by her and her constant panic attacks. They wouldn't have to tell her parents about it, and her parents wouldn't have to threaten to put her in the hospital.

You see, Yongsun had severe Social Anxiety Disorder. Every little thing, every tiny action people did could set off a panic attack so intense that she would take a few days to recover. That's why she skipped class so often. Her professors were astonished with her grades, since she took so many sick days.

No one knew who she was. No one talked to her. It was like Yongsun was invisible, and that's exactly what she wanted. Her professors somehow knew not to call on her in class (she was pretty sure her parents had something to do with that), her classmates didn't even bother, so Yongsun just continued to live her life, alone, except for her cute little schnauzer, Jing Jing.

However, this wasn't a normal day. It was the first day of the second semester. New subject. New professor.

No one expected the professor to call on Kim Yongsun. Who even was Kim Yongsun? Everyone in the classroom looked around, looking for a new student. However, there was no new student. Who was Kim Yongsun?

"Is Kim Yongsun absent?" The professor insisted, when no one raised their hand to answer.

"I-I'm here." A tiny little voice sounded in the classroom, almost too tiny for anyone to hear, trembling. Everyone looked at the source of the voice: the tiny girl at the back who no one had ever talked to. She looked distressed, to say the least.

Yongsun looked around the class as her heartbeat was raising exponentially. That brown haired guy was staring right at her, laughing at her. The blonde girl on the other side was whispering to her friend. Probably about how weird she was. The redhead in the front looked straight back at her and sneered. Everyone was staring. No exceptions. Everyone. Yongsun was so in her head, that she didn't hear the professor call her for the third time.

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