"No. I don't need shit from you", she said as she walked out the house.

Dre shook his head and rolled his eyes.

Aaliyah got into the car and called Carmen.

"Hello?", Carmen answered.

"Hey, where are you?", Aaliyah asked.

"Um, at dad's", she replied.

"Oh.. glad you got to meet him", Aaliyah said.

"Yea he's seems great actually", Carmen said. "But... he thinks I'm you"

"...why don't you tell him that it's you?", Aaliyah asked.

"I would love to but... I can't", Carmen said. "I feel like anybody close to me gets hurt... I'm just not ready yet"

Aaliyah was silent.

"I'll tell him eventually", Carmen said. "I just don't wanna risk anything ya know"

"What about your accent?", Aaliyah asked.

Carmen begins to speak a little bit more like Aaliyah. "What accent?", Carmen asked.

Aaliyah chuckled.

"But what did you find about that guy? You think he did it?", Carmen asked.

"No. It was somebody else. Somebody I know actually... Ace's friend", Aaliyah said.

"So...what are you going to do?", Carmen questioned.

"Same thing I've been planning", Aaliyah said. "Give him the same pain my friend felt but worst"

Carmen was silent.

"And after that... I planned on coming back up to New York for a while", Aaliyah said.

"No. Not looking like me and with that baby. I do have some enemies ya know", Carmen said.

"The baby will be gone", Aaliyah said. "I'm not having it"

"What? Why not?", Carmen asked.

"Because, my life is not fit for a child and neither is Dre's. Im not ready for a child and honestly I never wanted one. I know I promised myself I'd keep it and be a better mom but... I feel like my child's safety will be at risk if I have them", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah I mean like you said it yourself you're changing. Change your ways and what you do and your child wont be at risk", Carmen said.

Aaliyah shook her head and put her phone on speaker. "Carmen, I can't... my friend just got murdered because of me. I'm not about to have my kid be next, or my kid watch me be next"

"I get it Aaliyah. You feel like it was your fault that Keyanna got murdered but it's not", Carmen said.

"But it is", Aaliyah shouted. "It is my fault and at this point and I'm not about to bring a child into my life right now. I have time to have kids Carmen but right now ain't the time"

"...well have you told Dre what you were going to do about the baby?", Carmen asked.

"Right now I don't give a damn what Dre gotta say. Fuck him at this point", Aaliyah said.

"What happened?", Carmen asked.

"Nothing", Aaliyah said. "Just not the type of bitch he wanna mess with that's all"

"...what did he say", Carmen asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it, alright? I'm just about to go handle what I gotta do", Aaliyah said.

"By yourself?", Carmen asked.

"Yes. This is my problem nobody else's", Aaliyah replied.

"That don't mean you go out there with no backup", Carmen said.

"Bye, carmen", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah no", Carmen said.

Aaliyah hung up and started her car and drove off.


Carmen looked at her phone after Aaliyah hung up and sighed. She walked to Jay and pulled him to the side. "What's Dre's number?", she asked.

"Why?", Jay asked.

"Just give it to me", she said.

"Okay, okay", he said.

Jay gave Carmen Dre's number and Carmen walked away to call him.

"Yo?", Dre answered.

"Dre?", Carmen said.

"Who dis?", he asked.

"Carmen. Listen, I don't know what the fuck is going on between you and my sister but you need to go and stop or help her", Carmen said.

"I don't have to do shit for somebody who don't want no fucking help and been asking like they fuck with me but don't", Dre said.

"What?", Carmen asked.

"Nothing. Just don't call me again iight. Me and yo sister ain't kickin it no more so..."

"But she's carrying your kid", Carmen said.

"How am I supposed to even know it's mine? She sitting here about to go out with some other nigga and shit", Dre said.

"Wow. You're serious right now?", Carmen asked. "Like I know I ain't know her for long but I feel like my sister ain't that type bitch to lie like that so don't even do that and second, nigga she ain't even want you around the kid so I'm confused"

Dre didn't say anything.

"I see why she decided to abort the baby", Carmen said.

"What?", Dre asked.

"Nigga you heard me. Don't act deaf", Carmen said. "I don't fucking need your help, I'll handle the shit myself"

Carmen hung up and Dre looked at his phone and thought to himself.


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