Night out

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Laura pov

Climbing in the taxi I make my way over to Connors ready to let my hair down and have a laugh for once as it feels like forever since I have let my hair down and had a little fun, however my money is on Riley to leave with a girl first which is normally the case when we all go out together. We always seem to make bets all the time as who be leaving first with someone and because it's no brainier Riley who goes first we all win. Pulling up in front of Connor house I pay the taxi and walk inside to be greeted by everyone, I'm always last to arrive which isn't shocking as I do take longer sometimes. I take more time to get ready and I might of lost time chilling with my brother and soaking up the hot water in the shower. Looking for Emily I find her by her father side like always as she has always looked up to her dad like a hero, walking up to both of them Emily spots me straight away and comes running up to me jumping in my arms with a smile, I'm still her favourite I see. Placing a kiss on her head I head to the kitchen looking for Hayley her mother and the other women in the house who always has my back when its me versus the boys.

"Hey, you look amazing tonight. You on the hunt" she winks at me but I laugh off her comments as I hardly leave with strangers unless they are something and unfortunately the boys scare them away before I got the chance to sneak away the over protectiveness runs thick with these lots. It has always been like that as I am the only female in our platoon so the overprotectiveness is overdone. 

"I would but have you met the guys. They won't let me leave with a guy" I say as they are all overprotective with me which I love but it's overbearing when they have scared pretty much everyone I try to get to know as they think they are protecting me but they seen me fight and shot a gun so I don't see the problem. Kissing Hayley cheeky i leave Emily with her before I grab a beer and head to the lads ready to have a fun night. 

I need it. 

Finishing up a couple of per drinks at Connors we are all ready to leave and be on the pull but I'm more excited about the bet, seeing who will pull first even though we all know that answer. Ordering two taxis we get into the taxis and head to the newest club that has opened, Hayley had said it's the best so we starting there, I'm in the taxi with Connor, Danny and Oscar I can already tell they don't like my outfit as I'm showing too much apparently but that's what it's about isn't it...

"If your leaving tell one of us Laura" I hear Oscar say, he's always been the parent one in the group when we go out clubbing, I nod my head to him letting him know I understand or he keep his eyes on me. We all know no lad is getting close enough to me especially not with six soldiers by my side. 

Let the fun begin.

Pulling up to the club I pay the taxi against Connor better judgement and climb out waiting for Riley and Dylan in the other taxi, we all go in together but leave separate with Connor being the first and Dylan last with him liking the music too much apparently but I think its more to do with none of us seeing him leave, he's always been a night owl honestly though. Once the last two are here we head straight in, looking around I'm impressed it's already packed. As I'm looking around my hand gets pulled I'm already being dragged to the dance floor by Connor and the rest have headed to the bar for the drinks before joining us. Dancing and laughing with Connor has been fun, one by one the rest of the lads join us before we spilt, listening to the music I move my hips side by side, I'm pretty much hidden by the guys as they circle round me keeping me in the middle but I don't mind I'm having a good time, they be other times where I can pull I guess. 

Caden pov

Being dragged to the club by my friends is pretty normal now as they are always moaning I spend too much time cramped away in my office which is slightly true but i have too, considering I'm the CEO. I am in charge of the whole damn company and employees, I have responsibilities which no one understands. Walking into the vip section on the top floor I have Liam and Damon on each side of me watching the dance floor, I'm sure they are looking for someone to pull but watching the dance floor a black hair women has already caught my eye, I have only seen her face a couple of times in the light and I can already tell she's a keeper with the way she moves her body and she isn't wearing any make up or dressed to impressed but watching on I have counted five guys wait no six guys round her scaring everyone away, she's definitely hidden with them around. 

Protected maybe? 

"You got no chance mate. Those guys have not let a single guy near her" I hear Liam say while laughing and I am not surprised he's seen her also but I ignore him anyway and carry on watching waiting for a good time to go down, as I watch her sneak away from the men and walk to the bar I head down there to try and take a shot. Taking my chance like a grown man, I hope she's not a airhead. 

"Didn't take you long to make a move" I hear the women say next to me as I stand at the bar, did she know I was watching from above? She couldn't off as she never looked up or was that just a line she used, smiling anyway I step closer hoping she was talking to me and not someone else or this would have been awkward. 

"I seen a beautiful girl dancing alone, though I'll introduce myself" I say taking a step closer but she looks at the dance floor for a minute before looking at me, I'm going to guess to see if the six guys are looking at her wondering where she gone. Looking at her I know I haven't got a name yet but I will especially this beautiful women how can I not get a name 

"Let's get out of here" she reply's grabbing my hand and dodging the crowd, I'm a little taken down at how straight forward she is but I have to admit it's a turn on, once the fresh air hits my face so does her lips and I find myself kissing the beautiful women back. Deepening the kiss with one hand on her hip and the other round the back of her neck, i can pretty much taste her. I don't want to stop either. 

Hailing a taxi we both climb in and straight back to kissing, I'm sure I heard the taxi driver laugh at us but I'm too busy kissing the women I don't have the name off. Breaking the kiss for a second I pay the taxi driver and climb out grabbing the women hand and taking her to my bedroom, I'm not even sure how this happen so fast but I'm enjoying it and I don't mind. opening my front door I'm being pulled inside by the women and her lips bought to mine. I grab her hips and pick her up walking to the bedroom without breaking the kiss the mystery women has her hands around my neck and legs wrapped around my waist I'm enjoying this although she's fighting me for dominate and I can't lie I'm loving it normally the girls that I pull let me have my own but this little minx isn't. Placing her down on the bed my shirt and trousers are already coming off, she has taken it off without me moving but I break the kiss as I push her down on the bed undoing her high waisted shorts, our clothes both fly off and land on the floor somewhere, I would have loved a name before this happened but this is fine.

Waking up alone I look at the clock, I honestly though I bought someone home and I did as I look at the bedside table She left a little note saying 'thanks'. Did I really get fucked like a one night stand, I let out a little laugh as I get out of bed I wouldn't have minded a round two or breakfast together, by the coldness of the bed she must have left as soon as I feel asleep as it doesn't look like she stayed the night. Shaking my head I head to the kitchen for some pain killer, I don't have a hangover which I'm thankful for but I just have a banging headache from the loud music. Grabbing a coffee I take a seat remembering what happened last night and how it all happened as she definitely wasn't drunk and I wasn't, I'm surprised I even got her away from the men she came with, by the looks of them I wouldn't even bothered as they was quite big men no wonder no man went next to the poor girl. However she was definitely worth it, now I can't get her out of my mind and when I want something, someone I won't stop till I have them. I want her... to taste... to hold.... to be mine and mine only.

Laura pov

Sneaking out early hours I felt bad using him but I reckon it was mutual, grabbing my pulse I search for a pen leaving a note saying thank you, it was the first in a very long time that I enjoyed myself and damn was it good, he definitely knew what he was doing with that tongue too bad it was a one time thing. Picking up my phone I sneak out the front door making sure to be quiet as I don't want to wake him up and have the awkward chat after, the conversation where you don't know what to say, or to be rude. Managing to get outside I order a taxi, I really hate to do the walk of shame but is it the walk of shame when it's only three in the morning, I'm positive my parents wouldn't know the difference. Climbing in the taxi I look at the group messages when one catches my eye

Dylan: Laura sneaking out with a lad, naughty
Connor: use a condom
Oscar: go on girl, ride him;)
Riley: are we going to forget Laura was the first to pull and a hottie
Oscar: I thought it would of been you Riley haha
Me: idiots I'm sure I seen Shaun with his tongue down a women throat

Reading the texts I didn't think I'll be the first one to pull but I guess I did, pulling up to my parents I pay the taxi and quietly make my way inside hoping not to wake anyone up. Slowly walking to my room I strip down and throw a pair of shorts and an oversized top before climbing in bed daydreaming about the hottie i was with, I'll grab a shower in the morning.

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