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Rubbing my hands over my face unbelievable that the women I found last night did me like that but I guess I kinda had it coming to me, after all it is what I normally do so I shouldn't really feel anything when its done to me but I do. I feel used and fucked over. Trying not to think about it I head over to grab a quick shower however the women herself I cant seem to get out my head, she was smack down beautiful with everything going to her; easy to talk to, kind, beautiful and she never had layers of make up. The only women to leave one hell of an impression on me was my grandmother and mother, just thinking about that night with her, I cant seem to get it off my mind, I wish she stayed but fuck this right now. Switching the shower cold I give myself a cold shower needing it right now as I look down my body, I need her right now for another round but the cold water has to do, I just know this wouldn't be the last time I see her, hopefully. 

Sorting my issues out in the shower I finally get myself dressed with the dark grey suit I have hanging up, I am lucky enough to have a sister who has some fashion sense, she does most of my cloths shopping for me, not because she has to but she likes it and declines me to wear anything that doesn't suit me. Adding a watch to my wrist I look at myself once before leaving my home, knowing I have a load of paperwork on my desk calling my name, when I built a company I didn't take in the account for the paperwork and how much there would actually be.  Pulling up to the office I climb in the lift and head to the top floor ready to start my day but it's only met by my annoying personal assistant Lacey with the high pitch voice, she made a good first impressive when she came but when you make that one mistake of sleeping with her once, yeah I did that and now I am regretting it like you wouldn't believe. I would have fired her already if she wasn't good at her job and I didn't want a lawsuit. 

"Morning Mr. Black" i hear the high pitch voice speak and I'm so regretting not bringing earbuds with me instead I nod and walk in my office trying not to get into a conversation with her or give her anything that thinks she has a chance of changing me like the rest of girls i have a casual thing with, they all think they can change me but you cant change a man who doesn't want to be changed. Sure I will change when I meet the right women who willing to help me become a better version of myself, I thought I had found the women who will make me a better person but she walked out on me last night, I still reckon she's it and I know time will tell, she was just breath taking but she has other ideas like leaving during the night without leaving a phone number or name. 

Swinging my chair around to face the window I think about how I made it up here and how I see my life going, I hoped at my age I would have been settled now and starting a family but I guess this company is my baby, I have babied it since I made it and nothing has changed since. I love this company and I plan to expand when I have the perfect opportunity too, everyone who works for me has been here for years with new employees coming every so often but I do prefer to promote within the company instead of hiring outside. Finishing up the first slack on paperwork I place it on another desk ready to start the next one but instead of starting it right away I close my eyes for a brief moment as I didn't get much last night with what was I dreaming about. Bringing my hand up to my face my door opens, I don't even need to open my eyes to know which idiot that was as theres only two who are stupid enough to walk in without knocking. 

"I can't believe you actually pulled last night? Did you get her name?" I hear my friend say loud enough that my personal assistant can hear and boy am I about to get an ear full when he goes,  Lacey thinks she the women who can change me but she has gold digger written all over that forehead. I need a wifey material someone who can knock me down a peg when I need it, not a women who just wants my bank card. I look up from my desk to see both Liam and Callum in my office waiting for all the details about my night with the girl from the club. 

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