Coming home

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Laura pov

Theres beauty in everything you see and do but as I stand here looking at the world from where I stand right now, I could not ask for a better view to look from where I'm on deployment. 

When people think deployment they always think the worse however so far I have enjoyed the views I currently see and the people I have met. I love being on deployment as its my get away from home card where I travel the world and make memories, sometimes I suffer heartbreak but don't everyone even when your at home. I do miss being home like everyone but I know they are happy for me and even more happy when I return back with a smile on my face. My platoon is ninety per cent single with the odd one out with a fiancé at home and a child, Connor has the most beautiful child and I am lucky him and I are best friends sharing these memories. The rest of us singletons have been single for a while and none of us have planned to settle down any time soon, however we are a little private about some parts of that lives. 

I haven't really thought about settling down or having a family as for one I wouldn't know where to start and a second, I pretty much like my life but who wouldn't; Free travel and a family within the army, its everything I want and need right now. As I sit in the plane on the way back from our second tour this year we honestly have missed our family, me mainly my parents but not as much as Connor as he hasn't shut up about his daughter on the way back, i do love his family, especially his daughter she's the cutest little girl, I'm just say that as I'm her favourite by a landslide.

Turning my attention back to the guys I travel and fight but mainly put my life on the line with I can't help think about the five great and unforgettable years we have been together as a platoon. I couldn't tell you how many up and downs we have had over those years and how many pissing contest we have done where I have smashed the boys, or the amount of tantrums they have thrown when I show them up. Only reason I win six times out of ten is because I am the sniper for a reason and our contest have targets involves, I do feel bad but whats a little fighting talk between us. Our family bond never gets old and its a good laugh between us which is whats its about especially when you get photos to match. I wouldn't have asked for a better group of lads to fight with. Taking another look out the window I can see we are close to touch down I have always hated touch down and take off but it's not going to change any time soon as long as I'm with the army I'm going have to get used to the flights even though it doesn't matter how many times I get on the plane with this bunch I know at the end I still hate the thing.

Counting to ten I try not to think about touch down and when I hit nine I feel the wheels touch and the slight bump that comes with it, I let go off the breath I am currently holding and open my eyes to see how tightly I am holding on to the chair. I can firmly say I have old hell of a grip, relaxing my body I look out the window to see the groundsmen working on the ground. Standing up from my seat I head over to my equipment before climbing off the plane, we all make our way over to the bunker for our final orders before given our leave, I am wondering how long we have this time unlike last time we was home they gave us a weekend, what do we do with a weekend...

"What's your plans Laura" I hear Dylan shout from the back of the group, he's quite the clumsy one and always asking me what I'm going to be doing, I swear he's always knows my answer before I actually say it but I love him really, even if he saved my arse once or twice which he isn't afraid to mention every chance he's got. 

"Depends how long we have, might hit the club if you lot are down" I shout back as I know the boys won't say no to that, we all live about thirty minutes drive from each other which has it advantages but I couldn't tell you how annoying it is as you barely get any peace to yourself. The only time I actually do get to myself is to hit the head, as who's going to come into a bathroom while I'm having a piss or shower. 

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