Ch 09| Baby steps

Start from the beginning

"So Jimin," Mrs. Park began after a while, breaking the silence that had settled over the room, "How was your day?"

Jimin's eyes lit up. "It was the best day ever!"

"Aww thanks," I grinned at him.

"I never said it was cuz of you!" He shot, cheeks turning pink.

"I never said I was talking to you either. I was talking to lady pizza numero uno," I countered, making a face at him. 

"You were not,"

"I so was,"

"Well I'm glad to know you two get along," Mrs. Park chuckled, " I was wondering how that worked out,"

I nodded in understanding, but I highly doubted that it looked professional, since a single, extremely long strand of mozzarella was causing me problems. Jimin on the other hand remained mute, and mumbled nonchalantly, "It was alright I guess,"

Mrs. Park turned to her son, and so did I. In my attempts to be a light and cheery friend, I was afraid that I had crossed some sort of invisible boundary. I knew I should have just been m normal sleepy self. "Stupid Yoongi," I thought to myself.

 But what left Jimin's mouth next put an end to that train of thoughts.

"Well there's only so much we can do inside a room eomma..." He said, making puppy eyes at his mother.

She sighed.


"Can I go on a walk with him? Or to the pool? Or to the gaming room? Inside the house is fine eomma please~" He said in one breath, shifting his position so that he was sat on his knees. The woman's expression turned sad, lines appearing on her forehead as she pursed her lips.


"Please eomma pleease..." he begged, rubbing his hands together in desperation.

I felt like I was invading on a private moment. I was sure that they did not want an outsider listening to such a private conversation. I shifted uncomfortably in my position.

"Shall I give you some privacy, Mrs. Park?" I asked slowly.

But she shook her head.

"No, Yoongi, you can stay. This is something that concerns you,"

I nodded.

"Jimin, do you remember what happened last time you went out?"

"Yes eomma," He said, looking down.

"Don't 'yes eomma' me young man, you could've died," She said, giving her son a stern look. "I'm not letting you out of the house, or out of my sight in that case," She continued, getting up from her corner in the bed, throwing her half eaten slice of pizza into one of the empty boxes.

"But eomma-"

"LET me speak," she said, and Jimin piped down. I sat there feeling extremely awkward.

"Yoongi," She said turning to me, "If I find out that you had anything to do with this-"

"Eomma no!" Jimin exclaimed, and his eyes began to fill with tears, "I won't go out okay, I'll stay inside I swear, but please, please, please don't take Yoongi hyung away from me," He plead, and my own eyes turned misty.

I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn't. I wanted to reassure him that everything was okay, but I couldn't.

 Is this what Mrs. Park had to feel everyday? If so, I had new found respect for this woman's emotional strength.

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