Fancy seeing you here?

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OOPSIE! Peter forgot about the field trip. Well, this is awkward. 


When peter forgets about the weekend school field trip,  and he can't, he decides to just hang out at Tony's lab instead. And let's just say, It's fancy seeing you here?!

Shit shit shit shit shit- I can't be late, Not today! It was already a mess. Burnt toast, I lost my homework, and I just felt like I had forgotten something. 

I ran as fast as I could towards the bus, it just started leaving the stop. I ran as fast as I could beside it, but not too fast. But I guess it wasn't fast enough. Shoulda coulda woulda I guess. 

But this was wonderful I am gonna bag my fifth tardiness of the week. Great. 

I managed to make it to my first class, mechanical engineering, and sat down. Then my teacher spoke. 

"I would like to remind you that today is the deadline to hand in your permission slips for our weekend field trip, I will not accept late slips! you had four weeks to do this!" Shit! that was it. That's what I freaking forgot. I mean, its a midtown field trip, it wasn't gonna be good anyways. 

That's another thing, they don't tell you where you're going until the day of. So, at the end of the day, I came home and went on patrol.  

I decided to call Mr. Stark. 

"Hey, mister Stark?" 

"Yeah, what's up Petey?" 

"So, I uh, forgot my permission slip for my field trip, and uh, I've got nothing going on tomorrow and I was uh, wondering if I could Uh, come to hang out at the lab tomorrow" 

I swung across a building. 

"Oh yeah for sure kiddo! I've got a cool new suit upgrade idea!" 

"Great! what time?"

"How bout 10?" 

"Alright! See you then Mr. Stark!" I shouted. I hung up. Tomorrow was gonna be great. 

--------------------------------------------------------the next day--------------------------------------------------------

I started webbing over to Mr. Starks when I got a call. I answered. 

"Hey underoos, its me!"

I webbed onto a building to stop for a second. 

"Hey Mr. Stark!" 

"So, I gotta tour coming through the lab at around 12 ish is that alright? its only for like maybe an hour max, and some QNA, and I was hoping I could get an intern to answer some are you ok with that?"

"Yeah! for sure, I'm almost there!" 

the call ended. I did my last swing and came to the entrance. I slipped civilian clothes on in the alley and hurried to the lab. I thought I heard someone call my name, but hey, I'm kinda popular here, it's weird, People like me I guess. 

Anyways, I kept running down to Tony's lab. I put the passcode in and walked up the wall and plopped down on the chair he bolted to the ceiling. It's an inside joke, don't ask. 

"Underoos! check this out!" he tossed me a cylinder with a new web combo. 

"No way! thanks, Mr. Stark!" I oggled it. It would take 8 hours for this baby to dissolve. 

"Yeah- Oh! Kid! time!" He shouted. I hopped down from the chair. 11:54. 

"Here you go kid, go crazy!" he handed me an iron man arm's flight stabilizer. I immediately went to work on taking it apart and putting it back together. Friday came over the speakers. 

Mr. Stark, I'd like to inform you of the school trip visiting, they will be down in two minutes. 

"Thanks Fri-" he replied. 

"Hey, Mr. Stark?" I asked. 

"Yeah Pete,"

"What do I have to do exactly?" I asked. 

"Oh, easy, just be in the background, tinker a bit, then come up with me and answer a few questions about the internship." Seemed simple enough. 

"Nothing about, You know..." I asked. I had to be sure, I mean, come on.

"Yeah no, none of that.  Dont worry, Oh wait, here they come!" He shifted and started to look busy. I did the same. 

I was not expecting this. Everyone was loud and laughing in the hall. But when they got to the lab door, everyone went silent. It was obviously Tony right. But when I looked up, they were all looking at me. 


It was the midtown high field trip. 

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit...

suddenly an annoying familiar voice spoke up. 


It was flash. I kinda just, awkwardly waved. 

I guess the QNA started faster than expected. 

"What are you doing here?!" He asked. 

"Internship?" I tried to play it cool, but this was genuinely embarrassing. questions and questions got fired at me, so I eventually managed to direct them to Tony.  I sighed and kept working. They let everyone into the lab, and I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I swiveled around to come face to face with one of the prettiest, most intimidating women at midtown high.  Michelle Jones. 

"Uh, H-He-he-hey, uh M-Mj." I stuttered. Damn stutter. She smiled, I blushed. 

"So this internship wasn't just a lie to impress me?" She said, so nonchalant. 

"No, whadoyou-whadoyou mean?" I stuttered again. 

"I'm joking. this whole thing, its, pretty cool!"

"Y-yeah, I'd say so!" I managed only one stutter this time. 

She patted me on the back and hopped back in the rest of the group and left to go to lunch or whatever. Mr. Stark walked over to me. 

"She seemed nice." He joked. He slapped me on the back a lil too hard. ooh well. 

"Yeah, she is." I kinda nervous laughed. 

This was all embarrassing. 

Sorry this was long and not that good. more to come, plz add requests. 


MARVEL'S AVENGERS ONESHOTS! (a lot of peter parker, but others too!)Where stories live. Discover now