deepest fears

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Avengers Oneshot

Peter plopped himself down on a couch in the avenger's tower. It was movie night, but nobody was in the mood to watch anything. They had just gotten back from a mission, and everyone was pretty shaken up. Even Nat, who never got shaken, was staring at the floor. the only one who didn't seem shaken was bucky. He had seen a way to much traumatic stuff to be shaken by something so trivial as almost dying. Peter glanced at the clock. 11:00 pm was the time, and they had gotten back at 8. It had been silent for almost three hours. after a while, Tony couldn't stand the silence. He was glad. 

"What do you guys wanna do?" He asked. Not really expecting an answer. Steve replied.

"Anyone wanna play a game?" he added, hoping to raise the spirits. everyone seemed to stir a bit, they all wanted to lighten the mood. Clint offered a few suggestions, but they wound up going with Nat's idea of playing two truths and a lie. This will be fun!  Peter thought. Nat always won this, she was too good at finding out liars and she had so many wild stories to tell that you can never tell what's real or fake. But Bucky was her main competitor. He offered to go first. 

"This one's easy! Ok, uh, one- I've killed more people than I care to count, I am terrified of heights, and I got stuck on that giant electromagnet Tony is hiding in the southwest side of the compound and nobody found me for four days. " 

Peter curled up in a ball. This was going to be a fun night. 

Sam smiled. "Easy Barnes, Its the electromagnet, Tony doesn't have one of those!" Everyone was in agreement. 

"Wrong! He smiled, he rapped his fingers o the table like drums." Tony stood up, "Yeah sorry bout that Barnes, it was funny though." Bucky rolled his eyes. 

"So, the lie has to be that you're scared of heights then," Sam said. He tried to think. Nothing could scare the winter soldier! 

"Wrong again Bud, Heights are a no-no." He slowed down. His smile left his face, and he stared at the floor again. 

"Not since-" He stopped mid-sentence and let out a shuttered sigh. He clenched his metal arm. You could practically see him re-living his fall. He shook his head and sat back. He forced a smile. 

"What about you guys? Any deep dark fears?" Everyone went silent. Bucky lost his smile again and Everyone was once again staring at the floor. Peter curled up tighter, and grabbed his arms so tight, his knuckles turned white, He shook, remembering all of his terrible fears. 

 Clint spoke up. 

"I'm scared of silence." Everyone stared at him. He was mostly deaf, the poor guy was constantly scared without his hearing aids. Tony scratched the back of his head, He had stolen Clint's hearing aids on multiple occasions. 

"It's one thing I hate. It makes me feel defenseless." 

Bruce spoke for the first time in hours. "I'm scared of small places." He said. "If I hulk out, I won't be able to fit, and ill break myself, and I'll break everything, and I- I-" He stopped and stared at the floor with a terrified face. He had hulked out earlier and wound up killing someone. It had really shaken him up. He let a tear fall down his face. 

Everyone started to loosen up, but everyone stayed tense, remembering their most fearful moments, a lot of which was PTSD triggered. But the last one made everyone stop and think. Peter hadn't said anything all night. He finally spoke up. Everyone forgot he was there. He was curled up on the corner of the couch, crying silently to himself. He remembered Uncle Ben, The night he got his powers, and how he was sitting by the toilet, having thrown up 8 times already, shaking, he remembered being under a collapsed building, screaming for help when none would come. All the times he almost died and had to get through it himself, because nobody would watch or listen. when he was knocked unconscious after the fight with Bucky and Sam bak in Germany. He quietly said barely loud enough for anyone to hear,

MARVEL'S AVENGERS ONESHOTS! (a lot of peter parker, but others too!)Where stories live. Discover now