Chapter 26- If We're Together

Comenzar desde el principio


-In Stevens room-

Spinel set her mug aside and got under the covers as Steven was digging through some VHS tapes for something they could watch.

Spinel grinned, usually when she was away from Y/n she felt sad, bored, and unsure what to do with herself. But, right now, she was genuinely enjoying herself.

"Found it!"

Spinel perked up as Steven victoriously lifted a tape in the air.

She cocked her head in intrigue as Steven popped in the tape.    "You are gonna love this, Spinel."

As soon as the tape began playing, Steven ran and got in bed beside Spinel.

Both watched the screen with focus.

There was a moment of static, before it cut to the image of the beach, and two small voices could be heard.

>>"Steven! Don't run over there, you can fall!"

Spinel leaned closer with intrigue as she realized Steven was in this,    "Steven, who's--"

The boy quickly covered her mouth and gestured to the screen as it cut to a small moment of static before the video continued. This time there were two children in-front of the camera making funny faces and laughing.

Spinel gasped as she realized the other child was in-fact Y/n.

Steven saw the gem's reaction and laughed,    "Yeah, that's her. She was about nine or ten."

Spinel stumbled off the bed and crawled up to the screen, looking at the precious image of her girlfriend when she was much smaller.

Spinel began giggling at how cute the pair were.

"Look at you Stevo! You got the chubbiest cheeks ever!"

Steven lightly scoffs and sits down beside Spinel.

"It's baby fat."

Spinel laughs,    "Sure- but if that's the case, you still got a lot of it."

Spinel laughs as she pinches one of his cheeks, making the boy grumble. However, his mild annoyance didn't last long, because the sound of heavy footsteps coming upstairs towards Stevens sliding glass door caught them off-guard.

Steven paused the home-movie and stood up, heading towards the door.

Just as he reaches for the handle, Jasper appears on the other side of the glass. Steven stumbles back in surprise, and Jasper quickly slides the door open.

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora