The morning after

Start from the beginning

As i walked towards my stacks of papers i notices that brunette boy stood in the kitchen once more. God, is he locked in there something? Shame, he's not dancing this time...

"Oh hey, good morning! You're Schlatt, right? Would you like some breakfast? i made french toast!"

He's british? I stumbled over to him and leaned on the counter separating us.

"Yes i am, and yes i would. You must be the newly hired maid slash dancing queen?"

I could see him blush as he pulled a plate of food out the oven and handed it to me with a fork.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I mean yea i am the maid but i-"

"I came in here yesterday when you were doing something along the line of mopping and rehearsing for a musical number at the same time, here."

I pulled out my phone to find the picture of what i witnessed last night and showed him. Wilbur's cheeks flushed with an adorable shade of red as he looked at the picture and ran a hand through his soft locks. I then put my phone back in my pocket and started munching on the food in front of me.

"Hah, yeah i guess you did see me..... anyways, changing the subject: according to you i'm in a musical?"

Wilbur wore a small lopsided smile as he placed one hand his chest and outstretched the other toward me.

"My Juliet, my pretty princess, i, your knight in shining armor, have returned to you after many a fortnight, to ask you but a single question: How have you spent your nights? in my absence have thou slept sweet and sound as if upon a thousand of the highest quality mattresses, or could thou not even dare wink for the terrors in your head. In all honesty.... you look like dog shit, Schlatt ; look at those huge bags under your eyes!"

Rude. I had actually enjoyed the boys little rant, but no longer. I scowled at him and lowered my head to avert my gaze.

" None of your damn businesses, theater maid. I'm busy, I got shit to get done and you're not my mom so keep your nose out of it!

"OK, ok, ok i'm just saying you should sleep more reasonable hours... Oh, i know! ill get you on a sleeping schedule! I'll wake you up at 8 every morning and eventually you'll start goin' a bed at more respectable hours."

"Wilbur, no-"

"Wilbur yes! This is happening whether you like it or not."

The British boy had a huge accomplished smile plastered on his face as i let my forehead hit the kitchen counter. I mumbled out my conditions or maybe orders that if i was going do this i wanted to wake up to toast with cream cheese and coffee. Wilbur curtly agreed before two more people entered the kitchen; that was my queue to leave. I grabbed my last piece of toast and went to go fill out some documents.

Travis' POV:

After i woke up i just mucked around on my phone for a little bit, but there really wasn't anything interesting going on so i eventually just went to the bathroom to try and wake up. I splashed some water on my face and looked in the mirror, i looked horrible. I quickly wiped the sleep out of my eyes and tried to make my hair look somewhat decent, but eventually just gave up and pulled my hoodies hood over my head. I let out a sigh and went back to my room. I noticed a small note that must have been slipped under my door.

good morning Travis!

Please bring your dishes downstairs when you have the time.

- Wilbur, the maid

Huh? Wilbur? Maid? how do they know my name? how do they know what room i'm in? How do they- Never mind, ill just go ask them myself, might as well bring the dishes down with me...

I picked up the pile of ceramics, once, twice, tree times but i couldn't quite figure out how to balance them right. Soon after, Cooper came into my room wondering what the hell i was doing, and why it sounded like i was banging plates against the wall. After i explained the situation he told me to wait a minute so he could come help, a few seconds later he came back with a few of his own dishes he then proceeded to grab half of my pile and walk out of the room. I grabbed what was left and followed the blonde downstairs.

Wilbur's pov:

as Schlatt walked away i noticed two new people had entered the room and i beamed when i recognized them as Cooper and Travis. they were both holding stacks of dishes (i guess Travis founds my note) and i quickly took them off their hands as the questions started to roll in.

"Hi, you must be Wilbur! I'm Travis but i'm sure you already know that...."

"Hello again, sorry about yesterday, i cant help but get on Carson's nerves. I swear i'm not always like that."

Travis gave Cooper a quizzical look.

" Hey Travis, hey cooper! Sorry about the Note i left you, i realize it was a little creepy. When Carson was showing me around and explaining what you guys do, he showed me your room when you were streaming, so i could get a feel for it, so yeah.... Anyways i got some french toast ready if you guys want any?

both boys nodded and and walked up to the kitchen island as i pulled out their food and set it down in front of them. Bar stools, that's another thing to add to the list.

" Anything else? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate?"

Travis's eyes widened, and a saw a small smile grow on the blonde's face.

"Yeah, uhmm one black tea with milk and sugar and one hot chocolate."

I pulled out the ingredients and started preparing the drinks.

"Sorry Travis but we don't have any whipped cream. I would whip some myself but we don't have any cream either, your drink will just have to do with out."

Travis spoke with a full mouth. "vaths ok, fanks amyways!"

both Cooper and i chuckled a little at the youngest's bubbly attitude.

"Oh! by the way i'm gonna go furniture and grocery shopping today , so just let me know if there's anything you want me to pick up."

I handed them their drinks and put my hands on my hips. It was a habit of mine,  i did it whenever i felt i had accomplished something worthwhile.

"Awwww lucky.... ohmygosh! Can i come too! i love shopping, even just window shopping, i mean stuff is just really really cool!"

Travis likes shopping? did not expect that one.

"sure, no problem! i was planning to head out in about half an hour, is that okay for you?"

Travis nodded energetically and took a big sip of his hot chocolate. I decided i should go get ready so i said my goodbyes and started to walk away from the boys, but before i did i saw Cooper wipe away Travis's milk mustache with the sleeve of his sweater out of the corner of my eye.



wow ok quite a few things happened there even tho i had a lot more planned i didn't want to make the chapter too long. anyways don't forget to wish Carson a happy birthday its on the 10 of may i think and i'm pretty sure Cooper's is on the 13. don't quote me on that. luv u <3

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