The rest of my senses were on top notch. The wind blew in my hair so much that it flew into my face.
Soon, the car slowed to a stop.

''We are here. I'll help you out'' I heard Tylor say.
      I was guided slowly towards something, I guess.
    The wind smelt like pine and berries. Birds chirped around and I heard a gushing sound like water fall but in the distance.

Tylor and I then made an abrupt halt.

''I'm gonna take  the blindfold off on ....two.....three......''

   When I opened my eyes the bright light blinded my vision for sometime but soon the white light started seeping in different colours.
     I looked around and I was awestruck.
    I found myself standing on this cliff overlooking the slow but study sunset. The sky was painted with a beautiful dance of colours. Purple, yellow, pink and fiery orange streaked the sky above. The mighty sun cowered behind the gigantic waterfall cascading down the rocks. The water was a bold turquoise. Birds swam through the air soaring higher and higher. Different shades of green sprawled across the whole landscape with tints of reds and magenta scattered within the vegetation. Some colours I had no idea existed probably because I had never laid my eyes on them before.

  ''....Beautiful....'' I whispered under my breath.

  Tylor held my hand in his.
'' Not as beautiful as you though...''

I looked away flushed.

He placed his fingers beneath my chin and gently lifted my head up so I could face him.

His green glassy eyes had a stubble expression in them.
''I know I haven't been a very good best friend lately but I promise everything is going to change from today. I'm so sorry......''

I placed my finger on his lips to stop him from saying more.

''You don't need to apologize for anything, Tylor ''

''No Sky, I have to. You and I are going to have a new beginning. This place...''

He gestured around

'' going to be our new favourite spot. Its ours, Sky....only ours....''

I didn't realize I had tears in my eyes until the warmth of my tears hit my cheeks.

''Ow, Baby, come here....'' He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest.

''Thank you so much for being a part of my life.'' I sobbed into the crook of his neck.

'' You would always be my always...'' He breathed into my hair.


The stars twinkled far off in the night sky, brightening up the gloom the darkness brought.
''Is it true that the stars have differ,ent colours?'' I asked Tylor as we slept side by side on the grass.

'' Probably..... If you actually look closer you would see that each star is  different. It all depends on your perspective. ''

''Woah, I never knew you were this deep....''

''Ouch! Should I take that as a compliment?'' He coughed

''....Anything that makes you feel better....'' I chuckled.

We were both thrown into silence. Not the deafening, awkward silence but rather, the silence that you can ease into and never let go.
Peaceful, calm.....

A howl from deep within the forest broke the tranquil. A wolf?

''I think we have to go...'' Tylor said hastily jolting up into a sitting position.

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