37) Sign of the Times

138 9 4

Brendon's POV

I can hear the start of Dallon's set from the green room.  Pete and Patrick are sitting together on a small couch.  Patrick looks exhausted as his head lays on Pete's shoulder.  He seems to be just staring into space, looking straight past the wall.  Pete seems to notice his 1000 mile stare as well.  He places a hand on Patrick's head and slowly plays with his hair.  They're so cute together and watching them kind of makes me feel lonely.  Once again a sudden wash of pain and sadness floods over me.  I just want one of two things at this moment, to hold Dallon or to drink until I'm shit faced.  I've been sober for a few months now because I promise Dallon I would be but it's hard.  I'm a fucking drunk, I need a beer to survive.  I suddenly get up and head to the door.

"Where you going?" Pete asks.

"Just for a walk to get my energy up before the show." I smile and he nods before looking back at Patrick.  I head through the hallways just wandering.  As I wander I run into Zach. 

"Hey bud you got any beers?" I ask him.

"What you don't have any?" He answers with another question.

"Yeah, forgot to request it.  So you got any or not?"

"Yeah come on." He responds and I follow him to another room.  I grab a beer and take a seat.  That sound of a cold beer is so refreshing.  One beer won't hurt anything, what Dallon doesn't know can't hurt him.  Zach sits down with a beer as well.

"So how have you been?" I ask trying to strike up a conversation.

"Fine." He plainly says.  I know he doesn't like me much but man this is awkward.  I take a long sip of the beer. 

"I know we haven't exactly been friends but a simple conversation won't kill you."

"Fine, what have you been up to?  It seems like your actually taking care of yourself for once." He's clearly being very passive aggressive.  I let out a long sigh and slick back my hair. 

"Yeah, yeah since I got back together with Dallon thing have been pretty good.  He's good for me, you know?"  I say before finishing the beer.  "You mind if I grab another?"

"Go ahead.  Just don't get waisted on my watch, I don't think your boyfriend would like me much after that."  He laughs as he takes much smaller sips of his beer than I did.  I crack open the second beer and take my seat again. 

"I forget are you religious?" I casually ask.

"How could you forget something you never knew about me?" It seems like he'll never answer any of my questions. 

"Well do you believe in guardian angles?  Or a force that control everything?" I wait and he doesn't reply, just drinks his beer.  I sigh at the one sided conversation. "Well, I never really did to be honest.  Until recently.  My parents did, they were pretty religious.  I never really got it though.  Like how could one thing just control everything?  Or know what's good for me?  And why should I blindly follow them?  It just doesn't make much sense to me.  Do you know what I mean." Zach just stares at me blankly.  He seems very unamused with my thoughts. 

"I'm going to go check on somethings.  You're welcome to stay here and do whatever you do." He says and without waiting for my response he's gone.

"Well than I guess it's just you and me." I jokingly whisper to my beer.  I scroll through my phone as I just relax waiting for my turn on stage.  I can hear the end of Dallon's set and by then I'm about four or five beers in but honestly it could have been more, I kinda lost count.  On a normal day that wouldn't even effect me but I have barely eaten anything today.  I mean I'm not drunk but I'm sure as hell not sober.  I take a deep breath and stand up.  I'm a little shaky but I'm okay for the most part.  I try to act normal as I walk to the dressing room I was in early in the day.  Both the angels are still in there and it appears that Patrick is sleeping.  His head is rested in Pete's lap and Pete is mindlessly playing with Patrick's hair. 

"Well aren't you two cute." I say in a high pitched voice.   Pete instantly looks up at me.  His face starts out smiling but quickly switches to concern. 

"Are you okay Bren?" He questions. 

"Never better.  Do you know if my clothes are in here?"

"Yeah someone dropped them off here because they couldn't find you."

"Great!" I say a little too loud and Patrick shifts a bit.  I quickly cover my mouth as if it would retract the noise.  I give Pete a thumbs up since it appears that Patrick is still asleep.  I start putting on my clothes as Dallon and Ryan walk in the room.  "How was the set Idk boys?"

"It was great.  I told you today would be a good day and I meant it." I can hear the smile on Dally's face. I finish putting on my golden jacket before turning towards the group. 

"How do I look?" I smile.  Dal walks up to me and grabs my hips firmly.

"Great as always." He smiles back at me before kissing me.  I can feel the smile quickly fade as soon as his lips hit mine.  He quickly pulls away and looks at me.  "Have you been drinking?" His face looks so hurt and my brain right now can't really comprehend why.

"Just a few beers." I try to reassure him.

"How much do you consider a few?" He continues to interrogate me. 

"I don't know like five, six maybe.  I wasn't counting or anything."  I can feel all the eyes on me.  "I didn't know I had to ask to relax with a few beer, Jesus." I mutter defensively.  I realize that comment was a mistake instantly when I see Dallon's demeanor change from concern to anger.

"My bad for thinking we were a couple and that when you promise something it means you won't break the promise.  If you want to just do whatever you want fine but don't get me involved when you do stupid impulsive shit." Dallon angrily spits back at me.  He turn away from me to walk away but I quickly grab his arm.

"Dal I don't understand why your getting so worked up about a few drinks.  I used to drink three times as much and was fine." I try explaining.

"Yeah, fine.  If you were so 'fine' back then that means you can be 'fine' without me." He breaks his arm away from my grasp and leaves the room.  Ryan looks over at me then quickly follows Dallon.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean." I mutter and look at Pete and the newly awaken Patrick. 

"It means you fucked up." Pete responds.  I simply sigh and run my hand through my hair slicking it back a bit.

"Your on in ten Brendon." One of the crew members tells me as he passes the opened door.

"I don't have time for this."

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now