33) Zone Out

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Brendon's POV

As we pull up to the venue I look over at my boyfriend beside me.  He's looking down at his phone with a huge dorky smile.  He quietly chuckles as he continues to scroll.

"What are you looking at baby?" I ask leaning over to see his phone better.

"I absolutely love my fans they are hilarious and weird."  He scrolls through some fans post.  "And talented look at this art it's so pretty." He double taps the post leaving a like.

"Not as pretty as you." I smile seeing how happy he is, and press a soft kiss on his cheek.  The car comes to a stop and I open the door, hopping out.  Dally takes a moment but follows the same actions.  As we walk up to the entrance I see Pete and Patrick talking by the door.  I grab Dallon's hand a squeeze it slightly.  He looks and smiles at me before placing a kiss on my cheek.  "You're really happy today." I smile.

"Today is going to be a good day." He optimistically says.  He lets go of my hand and does a quick skip up to Pete and Patrick.  There focus switches over to Dal and I. 

"Sup bois." Pete says and I can immediately see the embarrassment on his face.  "I'm never going to say that again."  I laugh at how his face turns red.

"Have you guys seen Ryan yet today?"  Dallon asks with a bright smile. 

"Yeah he's inside already."  Patrick answers.

"I'm going to go inside and see him.  Okay babe?" He says kissing my cheek again.

I nod my head "Okay I'll see you inside in a bit." I watch as he walks inside and disappears.  I know exactly what is about to leave Patrick's mouth.  It's a question that he asks every single day sometimes even a few times a day.  I always give him the same answer everyday but today I could tell him something different.  I know that I shouldn't lie to him but I don't want to tell the truth.

"So, do you have any updates on Ciera?" With no surprise there is the question.

"Nope, nothing new." I lie. I don't really know why I decided to lie but I did. I guess it's because I know it will bring everyone into a worried bad mood and that's the last thing I want. It's just that Dallon woke up in such a good mood today and the last thing I want is to ruin it. I smile at the two men standing across me before tell them I'm going to head inside. Without a word they both follow me. They are practically walking on my heels they are so close to me.

I quickly turn around. "A little space would be appreciated." I say with a phony smile.

"R-right sorry." Patrick stutters out before taking a few steps back. Pete mimics his actions. I continue walking down the corridor until I find Dallon and Ryan's green room. The door is open and I can see them both talking inside. I walk right into the room and sit next to Dally on the couch. He's not even phased by me presents, he just grabs my hand without looking and intertwines his fingers with mine. His conversation doesn't even pause for a moment. I rest my head on his shoulder as I listen to them talk about tonight's show. They're going over some things they want to fix and change to make things a little more interesting. I let my mind wander as they go over the small details of there set.

Pete and Patrick are quietly talking in the corner of the small room. I try to listen to what they are saying but they're whispers are too quiet. I start to get antsy and bored just sitting there. To try and cure my boredom I start to pepper small kisses along Dallon's neck. I look up at him and see a small smile but his attention stays on Ryan. I quietly sigh at my failure to steal his attention but I'm not ready to give up. I go back to pepper kisses along his neck but now every few kisses I nibble a little on his neck. I hear him giggle slightly before he moves away from my reach. I frown at him.

"I'm talking about band stuff Bren." He says as he mirrors my frown. I sigh as a response. "But I'm so bored and I want to go do something." I whine.

"Why don't you go take a walk or something?" He says placing a kiss on my forehead. "Then you can have my undivided attention."

I sigh loudly before saying a long drawn out "fiiiinnnee." I give him a quick kiss on the lips before getting up and leaving the room. As I leave I can hear Pete and Patrick's whispers come to a stop as one of them get up to join me. Once I get out into the hall I look behind me to see which one of the two has decided to babysit me. I see Pete trying to catch up with my quick pace. It doesn't take long for him to be at the same pace as me.

"So this might come across as rude but I don't mean it in a rude way it's just a question. Pure curiosity." I warn before continuing. "Don't you have like you're own human to be an angel to?"

"Technically yes but she's only a baby, not even a year old yet. She was only born a few months ago her name is Pepper, Pepper Joseph. She's a cutie and I can't wait to properly be her angel but angels don't really get to interfere too much until the human turns 3 years old." Pete explains and I can see his eyes light up as he talks about her.

"Wow you must be so excited." I smile.

"Yeah but it sucks that I can't really do much for so long." He sighs. "But at least I'm getting tons of practice in on you. Like I've learned how to not let her turn out." He laughs.

"Wow you should be a comedian you're so funny." I sarcastically reply before joining him in laughing.

"Seriously though I would be so glad if she turned out to be just as cool as you or as smart as Dallon." He says and this time there isn't a hit of a joke. We mindlessly walk in a comfortable silence. I let my mind wander as my feet wander through the venue halls. My mind goes through many different thoughts before an over powering feeling falls over me. I suddenly feel a heavy sadness fall upon my shoulder without any explanation. I can't seem to shake the powerful feeling no matter how hard I try. It seems to be super glued to my bones.

I want to ask another question on the off chance that someone answers 😁

Do any on you play any instruments?

My answer
I'm learning ukulele, piano and drums. I know the most on the ukulele and have only been learning drums for about a few months.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now