34) 20 Dollar Nose Bleed

200 7 1

Brendon's POV

"How come you lied to Patrick?" Pete suddenly asks.

"What? I didn't lie." I suddenly spit out.  The heavy weight sits on my shoulders as I slowly start to panic. 

"Come on Brendon, I can tell you're lying.  I can tell now and I could tell when you were talking before." He spits out.  His voice almost sounds angry all of a sudden.  We sit down in a some seats.  I don't look over at him, I keep my eyes looking at the stage being set up for the show tonight.  "Are you going to answer me honestly or not?"   His voice is a bit calmer this time.

"Did you see how happy Dallon was today?"  I ask him without looking at him.  "He's the happiest I've seen him in a while. He's optimistic and told me how great today will be. God I love that boy so much and I will do anything to keep him that happy all the time." I smile to myself thinking of Dally. I sigh slightly. "I just don't want to ruin today for him."

"Are you kidding me Brendon. This isn't a game you know.  Patrick is dying with worry and you lying isn't helpful you know.  I get that you care about Dallon but I love Patrick.  I will do anything for him and Ciara could ruin everything.  So start talking buddy." Pete burst out.  There is clear anger and annoyance in his eyes and voice but he's trying his best to hide it. 

"I'm sorry Pete."  I mumble.  "Ciara did show up last night. She talked to me a bit. Told me my story, how I'm practically cursed and all. Oh and she said my dreams aren't a coincidence. Whatever the fuck that means."

"Wh-what else did she say about your nightmares?" He sounds scared.

"Nothing I promise. She's just said they aren't a coincidence I swear." I defend. We sit silently just looking straight ahead. I don't know how long we just sat there for but it sure as hell felt like an hour. There wasn't a single word between us the only sounds we're the ones of crew members moving things around on stage. I don't know why but the entire time I felt like crying. Bawling my eyes out but I didn't. The whole time I resist the feeling of letting my tears flood my cheeks.

"Hey I've been looking everywhere for you." Dallon skips over to the seats. He places a kiss on my cheek then takes the seat next to me. "What have you two been doing?"

"Having a little chat." Pete says with a snarky tone of voice. I shoot him a look begging him not to tell Dallon about Ciara. "Seems like you're boyfriend feels the need to hide things from all of us." Dallon gives me a concerned look as soon as those words meet his ears. Pete simply stands up and starts to walk away before disappearing. Leaving me alone with the hurt, broke looking face Dal is giving me.

"Bren what does he mean?" He asks. I lightly place my hand on his knee. I give him a soft warm smile.

"He's just being a dick baby." I know he can see right through my lie, I wouldn't even believe me.

"Don't lie to me Bren. You promised no more lies." He says placing his hand on mine. That hits me right in the heart. The feeling of wanting to cry is stronger than ever.

"No lies." I smile weakly. "I saw Ciara last night and I lied and told P&P that I didn't see her."

"Why?" He wonders. "There's no reason to lie to them. You know that, right?"

"I know, I know I just didn't want to ruin your good mood. You know be a good boyfriend and all." I nervously chuckle at how stupid I sound. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to protect me. If anything I should be protecting you. You're the one who's gone to hell and back." He laughs. "I told you today will be a good day and that's not going to change. Let's talk to Patrick so he can be filled in." He gets up and places a kiss on my forehead. He grabs my hand and pulls me up out of the seat. We walk together back toward the dressing rooms.

My mind worries as we walk, I think of how I've never heard Pete sound so angry at me before. I've seen him upset and sad but not angry like that. I honestly don't understand why he's so mad. My plan was to tell him and Patrick tomorrow or later after the show. I wasn't going to lie forever or anything like that. It's almost scary to see him like that. I start to get nervous because what if Pete talked to Patrick first and got him mad at me too. I grab Dallon hand and squeeze it tight. He looks over at me worried. I want the sinking feeling to go away so badly. I just feel like I'm drowning because of all the weight on my shoulders. I know crying would make Dally worry more and ruin his good mood so instead I just give him a weak smile. My hand still tightly laced with his.

"Babe can you loosen your grip a bit? I kinda need my hands to play bass tonight." He smiles and I nod. I mumble a small sorry as I loosen my grip. "It's alright." He places a kiss on the top of my head. I take a deep breath to calm my nervous as we walk into the dressing room. Inside Pete and Patrick are sitting closely to each other and Ryan is sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"Hey Patrick can we talk?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course what up." He gets up and walks over to me. I jester toward the door. We both walk out to the hall and close the door behind us.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon