Chapter Seven, Healing and Introductions

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Chapter Seven, Healing and Introductions

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Chapter Seven, Healing and Introductions

"We've lost the current, make for the shore." Thorin ordered as he let the rest of his company paddle towards the shore before him before he followed "We need to move on." Thorin ordered once everyone was on the shore.

"Ninfea's injured." Kili protested.

"Well bind her leg, you have two minutes." Thorin stated sharply as he walked off to talk with Balin on how they were going to get to the mountain, ignoring Bilbo's protests that it needs proper healing that Ninfea won't be able to do herself.

"You are not going anywhere Thorin Oakenshield, at least not till we have healed our sister." Elrohir stated as he Elladan, Legolas and Arwen came round the corner. "You let them follow us." Dwalin growled at Ninfea.

"She did not," Legolas argued. "We followed you after we saw her be hit with a Morgel shaft. We interrogated an Orc and it was meant for him." Legolas snarled pointing his finger at Kili who was brushing Ninfea's wet fringe out of her eyes.

"Me?" Kili asked startled before turning to look back at Ninfea with wide brown eyes. "Why would you do that?" He asked, but his eyes lit up as if just realising something. "That's why you stuck us to the barrels and why that golden dome thing surrounded us." Kili said with clarification and fear shining in his eyes as he grabbed and held her hand. "How are you going to heal her? What happens if you... you don't on time?" He asked fearfully.

"The poison is in my blood, in a few hours I'll be choking on my own blood." Ninfea whispered but everyone heard her as everyone had been quiet since the blonde elf pointed at Kili. "WHAT!!!" Bilbo and Kili shouted. "Do something!" They exclaimed at the same time. "And why are you here?" Bilbo said accusingly to Arwen as he glared at her, shocking all the dwarves as they'd never seen him like that apart from in the Elven dungeons.

"Do you have any idea what you have put Ninth through, do you? Your meant to be her older sister to look out for her but all you've done is hate her since she arrived. What has she done that was so bad to deserve all your hate?" Bilbo shouted his arms folded across his chest. Arwen hang her head in shame, she knew how she treated her sister was despicable and she hated herself for all that she'd done and she wanted to put it right and she told them so. "I forgive you Arwen." Ninfea said as she hugged her sister tightly. Smiling with tears in her eyes Arwen held her sister close to herself, she knew she didn't deserve her sisters forgiveness but she swore that she would earn it.

"Why must you get yourself into these situations?" Elladan asked with a groan. "You know we'll have to let Adar know." This time it was Ninfea's turn to groan as she pictured what her Ada would do when he found out, she dreaded thinking about it. "I know." Ninfea said with a sigh as she sat back down with a wince.

"We need some Athelas, or Kingsfoil as you know it by Bilbo. Could you please go with Legolas to help him find some while I fetch the water." Arwen asked as she swept gracefully over to the river with a large bowl in her hand that Ninfea had given her out of her bag.

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