Chapter Fourteen, Five Armies

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Chapter Fourteen, Five Armies

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Chapter Fourteen, Five Armies

"We've come to tell you," Thranduil said smugly. "Payment for your debt has been offered and accepted."
"YOU HAVE NOTHING! I GAVE YOU NOTHING!" Thorin roared at the Elven King.
"We have this." Bard said as he took the Arkenstone out of his pocket throwing it into the air only to catch it again. The dwarves shouted in outrage at the sight of the stone in their hands. "Thieves!" Kili shouted. "How come you have the Heirloom to our house! That stone belongs to the King!"
"And the King may have it." Bard interrupted. "If he honours his word."

"This is a trick, a filthy lie, a ruse. The Arkenstone lies here in this mountain!" Thorin shouted.
"Actually, no it doesn't. I gave it to them. I took it as my fourteenth share. I'll let it stand against my claim." Bilbo said bravely.
"Your claim." Thorin snarled.
"You are changed Thorin." Bilbo said defiantly. "The Thorin I met in Bag-End would never have gone back on his word, would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin."
"Do not speak to me of loyalty thief." Thorin snarled. "Throw him from the ramparts." He ordered his kin. When no one moved he became even more enraged.

"Did you not here me? Fine I'll do it myself!" He snarled as he went to grab Bilbo only for a familiar voice to stop him from below. "Petrificous Totalus!" Ninfea shouted as she stepped in front of Bard and Thranduil much to her father's frustration. "Bilbo come. You dare lay a hand on my friend Thorin Oakenshield and it'll be the last thing you'll ever do!" Ninfea hissed her hand still raised.

"Now, get a grip!" She snapped. "Azog's army will be here soon and we all need to work together if we want to survive this." She yelled at them her emerald green eyes glowing like the killing curse and her hair lifting up in a non-existent breeze, you could feel her power rolling off of her in waves. "Why should I believe you elf. You're trying to trick us like the rest of your kin. Well, you failed for I will not fall for it. Now begone and never return you snivelling brat!" Thorin said scornfully to the outrage of the Elves and the Men below but before anyone could say anything Thorin was punched square in the nose breaking it with the force from none other than Kili who was shaking with rage.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Kili roared. "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO MY ONE LIKE THAT UNCLE!! WHO DO YOU YHINK YOU ARE?! THE UNCLE WHO HELPED RAISE FILI AND I WOULD NOT DO THIS! BILBO IS RIGHT! THE MOUNTAIN AND BEING A KING IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU IF THIS IS HOW YOU ACT!! WELL I WILL NOT STAND HERE AND LET YOU SLANDER NINFEA ANYMORE!!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH UNCLE, NO MORE!" Kili raged shocking all into silence huffing Kili went to climb down the rope only to be held back by Dwalin. "Let go of me Dwalin." Kili hissed as he was pulled back from the wall.

"Wait." Was all Dwalin said before they heard the stampede of footsteps coming towards them from over the hill to their right followed by the sound of Dwarvish horns wrenching the air. "Thorin ironfoot has come!" A red haired dwarf riding a big shouted waving his war hammer in the air. "Who is that Gandalf?" Bilbo asked curiously.
"It is Dain Lord of the Ironhills and Thorin's cousin."
"Are they alike?" Bilbo asked.
"I've always found Thorin the more agreeable of the two." Gandalf replied ominously.

"Come now Lord Dain there is no need for war between men, Elves and dwarves. War is coming Azog and his army will soon be here. We need to band together." Gandalf tried to placate the stubborn dwarf.
"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to disperse or I'll water the ground with their blood. This woodland Sprite wishes nothing but ill to me and my people. How about I split his pretty head open see if he's still smirking then!" Dain growled. Finally having enough Ninfea growled in frustration letting her magic burst from her as she cried out in frustration. "ENOUGH!" Ninfea shouted freezing everyone where they stood.

"How many times must I repeat myself before it goes through your thick skulls! Azog is coming we do not have time for this!"
"Ninfea!" Kili called worriedly.
"You know this elfling Kili?" Dain asked confused at the looks that were shared between them. "She is my One Dain. Don't you dare hurt her! Uncle Thorin is already trying to stop us being together but no more." Kili growled.
"Your One?" Dain asked confused completely forgetting about fighting with the Elves at this revelation. "A dwarf has never had an elf as a One."

"It is true. My daughter is the One to your prince. It has been written for centuries they will reunite our races. My daughter is very special and she is also right about a war coming. Sauron has returned." Lord Elrond spoke gravely. Before anyone could say anything a great rumbling shook the earth as four great big wereworms appeared out of the ground and a large horn sounded in the distance as Azog and his army appeared. Ninfea shared a look with Kili over her shoulder as she along with the other Elves joined in the fight with the dwarves against the Orcs while the men and some Elves her brothers included raced to Dale to protect the women and children.

"I'm going over the wall who's coming?" Kili asked no longer able to hide behind a wall while his One thought for her life. "I'm with you brother." Fili said clasping his brother's shoulder as the others also voiced their agreements. "Stand down!" Thorin growled.
"What?!" Kili shouted outraged.
"I said stand down!" Thorin shouted.
"Ninfea is out there.." Kili raged.
"Then she sound have stayed home." Thorin said cruelly as he left.
"Are you to do nothing?" Bofur asked confused and angry. "That little elfling helped us when no one would!" He shouted after his friend only to receive no answer.

Kili turned to the battle that raged out before them trying to spot Ninfea amongst everyone but he couldn't see her any longer though he noticed her sister and father amongst the battle before them and hoped she was safe near them. "I'm sure she'll be fine Kili. She's survived so far." Fili tried to reassure his little brother.
"We should be out there too Fili. I should be out there." Kili cried desperately. "I can't see her anymore."
"She'll be fine lad as your brother said. She's a tough one she is. Hopefully Thorin will come round and we can help." Balin tried to comfort knowing the pain the young prince must be feeling at seeing his One in a war and not able to help.
Kili could only pray that his brother and Balin were right.

Kili could only pray that his brother and Balin were right

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