Chapter Two, Rivendell

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Chapter Two, Rivendell

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Chapter Two, Rivendell

Lord Elrond was pacing up and down the forest clearing waiting for the young witch he had seen many times in his dreams and visions. However, he was rather surprised to find that she was actually a half elf, though really he shouldn't of been surprised as it was rather obvious now from what he has seen of the girls features she was related to an elf, but what surprised him was how small she was especially when he saw her standing next to what appeared to be her friends who appeared to be wizards. "My Lord Elrond but what exactly are we doing here?" Lindir asked as they were currently waiting for something or someone in the forest just past the hidden passage that led into their home, Rivendell.

Lord Elrond stopped his pacing to look at his dear friend, but only briefly. "We are here Lindir as the Valar has sent me a vision that a seventeen year old girl will be arriving here from another world as she has won some sort of war but lost most of those close to her and the rest have betrayed her. She wanted to die so the Valar is bringing her here for a new life. She is a witch but also a half elf, but she is smaller then what a half elf should be as you know they are nearly the same size as a full elf, I have this feeling about why she is so small and I can only hope that I am wrong." Lord Elrond explained as he continued his pacing he didn't care if it was seen as undignified he was anxious to meet this young girl. "From what I saw from the vision Lindir and by how wary of other people she is, I believe she has gone through a great deal, seen too much, been through too much in her young life. The Valar has advised me that the best way to help her is to take her in as my Ward and after what I saw in the vision I am inclined to do so." as he spoke Lindir nodded in agreement and offered his help for when the girl came.

"My Lord Elrond. Do you know the name of the girl or did the Valar not specify?" Lindir asked as he watched Lord Elrond look around the clearing to see if there was anything near the clearing. Whether he was looking for the girl or a foe Lindir was not sure but if he had to guess he would have said the former. "Her name is Ninfea Evanna Potter. And you are all to treat her as if she is my daughter, which she is going to be if she agrees. Is that understood?" all of the guards and Lindir nodded their heads in understanding but before anymore could be said there was a bright light which only got brighter the closer it got until all present in the clearing had to shield their eyes.

When the light cleared they saw a young girl who was severely injured lying on the floor her bright blood red hair spread out around her head like a fiery halo, her emerald green eyes which seemed to have lost all life to them were looking around wildly as if she was assessing for any danger. The elves stood there for a few minutes staring, until a guard stepped forward and reached a hand out to Ninfea to help her to her feet but he quickly pulled his hand back as she flinched away from him and leapt to her feet pointing a stick at him, which Lord Elrond realised was her wand that the Valar had told him about.

Lord Elrond slowly walked towards her with his hands raised to show the frightened Elven witch that he meant her no harm and only wished to care for her. "Ninfea? Ninfea everything's alright I promise no one here is going to hurt you that I promise to you. My name is Lord Elrond, but you can just call me Elrond. I and my companions are elves much like yourself except we are not half elves; we are the Elves of Rivendell. You should know that we have Kin that live in the Green wood or Mirk wood as it is now commonly known as, who're lead by King Thranduil Greenleaf." Lord Elrond explained.

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