Chapter 4: The Meeting and The Woodland Realm

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Chapter 4: The Meeting and The Woodland Realm

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Chapter 4: The Meeting and The Woodland Realm

Lord Elrond sighed as he leaned back in his chair watching the other Lords argue amongst themselves about whether the Moon Runes were true even though he himself had showed them the runes, the worse was Saruman who had been against his little Ninth ever since she had appeared in Middle Earth always saying that she needed a close eye on her in case she turned to evil when he himself was the one to tell Gandalf when he arrived a few months ago with the dwarves of Erebore, that Sauron was vanquished and never to return.

Elrond had thanked the Valar that Ninfea wasn't there and visiting Elladan and Elrohir in the Woodland Realm as she visits them every few months to see them and for training. He was saddened that his eldest daughter, Arwen acted the same way as the other snobbish elves who judged his little Ninth just because she was different to others of their kind. He just hoped that Arwen came around sooner rather than later as he knew how much it hurt Ninth to know that her own sister hated her just because she was an Elven Witch. Elrond tuned back into the meeting looking around the Meeting Hall at his youngest sons Solemn and Lunam who were glaring and looked like they getting ready to attack the Elven Lords that were bad mouthing their little sister.

"Enough!" Elrond shouted as he stood up from his chair. "I said enough. I will not have you speak this way about my daughter in my presence or out of it. You will show her the respect she deserves, she hasn't done anything to any of you except to try and feel like a part of my family when her's was so cruelly taken from her when she was just a babe.

If you all insist on treating her this way then there will be severe consequences for those involved and Saruman as you appear to be the leader of this relegation against my daughter you are no longer welcome in Imlardis, so I suggest that you leave and never come back. Now this meeting is adjourned." Elrond looked fiercely at the Elf Lords and Saruman as they gathered their things to leave the Meeting Hall when the doors where suddenly flown open bouncing off of the wall with the force of it and Ninfea ran in with a mix of joy and fear on her face.

"Ada! Solemn! Lunam!" Ninfea shouted as she came skidding to a stop in front of her Ada. "I'm sorry for bursting in your meeting Ada but I need to speak with you it's urgent." Ninfea said in a rush that it was sort of hard for her brothers and Elrond to hear but they'd noticed the signs of when she'd had a vision as she spoke extremely fast as if in a rush to get all her words out and her emerald eyes were always slightly cloudy after a vision.

"It's alright Tinu I had just called this meeting to an end before you came in." Elrond said as he embraced his daughter he didn't know what she saw but whatever it was had really upset her and he wouldn't rest until he knew what. "How about we take this to our family chambers and discuss this away from prying ears?" Elrond suggested as he led his daughter out of the room his two sons following behind them as they made sure none of the others were following them to try and find out what had happened. "What happened sis?" Solis asked his sister concerned once they reached their family quarters and Ninfea had locked and warded the door.

Sitting down in one of the chairs that were in the family living room of their quarters she waited for her Ada and her brothers to be seated before telling them all about her vision including how Legolas and the other guards had captured the dwarves for just being in the wood and how that the archer of the dwarves group was her mate and that she would be travelling to the Woodland Realm to free her mate and his family from the dungeons. There was a moment of silence as Elrond, Solis and Lunam took in all what had been said to them before the two brothers burst out into loud and obnoxious laughter as they knew their sister would give Thranduil and the Woodland Elves, including their elder twin brothers' hell for locking up innocent people let alone her mate.

"I'm so happy for you my little Tinu." Elrond said as he stood up and embraced his daughter instantly wiping all of her fears away as she had been watching them warily as the silence progressed. "I'm so happy that you found your One my sweet Tinu just so you know we support you in every possible way and I know that Elladan and Elrohir will also support you and may even help you escape with the dwarves and the hobbit as you know what pranksters they are." Elrond assured his daughter which was helped by Solis and Lunam agreeing with him and adding that when she brought him back here or they met up at the mountain if she planned to travel with them, that they would check her mate out to see if he was good enough for her.

Laughing Ninfea hugged her brothers and Ada swearing that she'd stay safe and putting on her armour over emerald green dress that came to her knees and a pair of black dragon hide leggings (silver dragon hide armour that brought out her eyes) when her Ada gave her the look that said, 'You better come back alive and healthy or else.' "Bye Ada, Solis, and Lunam I promise I'll stay safe." Ninfea promised again as she put her green beaded bag back on over her shoulder, her bow and arrows on her back, her wand in its holster on her right arm (not that she uses it much now as she can do Wandless and wordless magic perfectly it's just a habit she hasn't lost in the last five years) and finally her Elven swords strapped at her waist (one on either hip) finally she was ready to leave.

"You better keep that promise Tinu otherwise you're grounded when you get back here and I see a single scratch on you. I do not care what your mate may think of me after that but you're my daughter and I do not want to lose you and I know your brothers, your sister even though she's being stubborn and your friends all feel the same as me. We just want you to be careful." Elrond said hugging her tightly. After a few minutes he pulled back slightly and quickly re-did her waist length blood red hair back into its braid tying it off with a white piece of ribbon, satisfied with the small tendrils of hair that surrounded his daughter's face Elrond let her pull back completely so she could say goodbye to her brothers.

"When this is over I want you to bring your mate back here Tinu so I can meet him properly." Elrond said. Nodding in understanding Ninfea took one last look at her Ada and brothers in what she hopped wasn't the last time before Disapperating to the entrance of the Woodland Realm.

 Nodding in understanding Ninfea took one last look at her Ada and brothers in what she hopped wasn't the last time before Disapperating to the entrance of the Woodland Realm

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