Noah gets hella drunk

Start from the beginning

I eyed the boy up and down, watched his movements and followed his swaying hips. In his defense the brunette sure as hell knew how to dance.

I was about to leave but made sure to snap a picture of the boy mid invisible guitar solo. It never hurt to have dirt on people. I then quickly and quietly got the necessary document and took one last glance at the dancing brit.

Wilbur's POV:

After draining the sink and returning the broom and mop to their proper place (according to me  this was the laundry room) I started on the kitchen counters so I could later move onto the dishes. But little did I know, I would never get that far.

A car pulled up in the driveway, headlights bright in the night. The front door flew open, causing me to hurry over to go see who was arriving home like this.

In the door was Carson holding a disheveled looking man with a beard and a terrible slouch.

Carson's POV:

After what had seemed like forever, I had finally been able to get Noah home. Of course I was met by a confused Wilbur, weight shifting from leg to leg. Shit.

"Oh heyyy Wilbur, look you weren't meant to see this, I was just about to put Noah here to bed" I tried to explain, but to no avail. Wilbur looked in absolute shock, a white face and sweaty palms over took him, he looked me straight in the eyes.

"How much did he drink?" he asked worriedly. How was I supposed to know? It wasn't like I was keeping track.

"Huh? I mean I dun-" was all I managed to say before Wilbur cut me off.

"How much did he drink?!"

Wilbur rushed over to Noah. He held his head in his hands so that he could look him in the eyes.

"How much did you drink, Noah?"

I could see Noah slowly blink a few times then look at me and slowly back at Wilbur before answering.

"I-I dunno, stopped countin' at round s-six or so?"

Noah's eyes widened as he took all his weight off me and lurched to the closest bathroom, which happened to be right next to the door to throw up into the toilet. Wilbur ran the other direction as soon as this happened. I wasn't sure why, but I decided to follow Noah and metaphorically hold up his hair. A few seconds later Wilbur came veering around the corner with a huge glass or more like a small vase full of water. He handed it to Noah and told him to drink up.

"Noah, you are at the verge of alcohol poisoning, we could go get your stomach pumped, in fact we should." My eyes widened as Wilbur spoke. "But as long as we can empty your stomach one way or another you should be fine. Now that you've finished that get on all fours with your face over the bowl, we're gonna empty your stomach. Hand me that glass. "

Wilbur took the emptied glass from Noah's weak hand and ushered him some more to get into position. Noah once again looked at me with a thousand questions in his eyes but all I did was shrug. So Noah did as he was told, Wilbur stood over him and wrapped his arms around Noah's waist, he then proceeded to do something that looked like the Heimlich, after a few pumps Noah heaved into the bowl and emptied his stomach once more. Wilbur filled up the glass once again with water and handed it back to the brunette sprawled on the floor


This process was repeated over and over until Wilbur had deemed it as enough had come out. Carson sat in awe at how well Wilbur was handling the situation and was soon asked to help hoist Noah to his room.

Wilbur's POV:

Carson sat down on the bed next to Noah. I spotted a bucket in the corner of the room. If only I knew where it was when I was trying to mop. I felt my cheeks heat up again as I remembered how I'd been downright poppin' n lockin' in the kitchen of a house full of people, and not too long ago either. I distracted myself by going to look for a towel, but the only one I could find was on the floor in the upstairs bathroom. I shrugged and took it anyways before heading back to Noah's room. I spread the towel over his pillow putting my hands on my hips, satisfied with my work.

"Okay... you should be all set to have one hell of a bumpy night. If you need anything I'm just across the corridor, try not to choke on your own vomit while you sleep, and uhhh yeah I'll give you a hangover cure in the morning!" I said, noticing that I sounded way too giddy for the situation.

Carson gave me a thoughtful smile but Noah's eyes rested on me for just a bit too long for comfort. I backed out of the room, closing the door behind me. Before going to bed I opted to add to the list I started this morning as well as another note to slip under Travis's door.

Things to buy:

- carpet

- desk + chair

- nightstand

- storage

- cleaning supplies

- cooking supplies

- groceries

-Someone to control Noah's drinking


Okkk two chapters in one day... oof, who am I kidding I might write another today. Quarantine got me bored as hell anyways luv y'all also if I get suggestions I might write a book with those <3

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