Chapter 1: And Let The Tour Begin...

Start from the beginning

"Hell yeah!" Jaime said, grabbing the vodka. "Can't start a tour without a little party!"

Vodka this early? Hmm.

As Jaime took the honor of pouring the glasses, I checked my phone. No messages. 4:33 am.

Fuck it, it's not too early. Let's do this.

"To our amazing fucking band, our new album, our great fans, and an epic adventure ahead of us!" Vic yelled, as everyone held up their shot glasses and clinked them together.

The bus started as we all got settled in, drinking and going over the set-list.

Not gonna lie, I was excited to hear the new songs. There was quite a change in this album. I loved it.

I took another shot.

"So, who all are you guys touring with this year?" Kenzie asked, pouring herself another shot.

Damn, she's not even 21 and she drinks like a party-goer. She was on her 5th shot.

"Slow down there, tiger. I don't need you throwing up before we even make it to San Diego!" Tony said, grabbing Kenzie in a one-armed hug. "But our tour is including Sleeping with Sirens, Falling In Reverse and Tonight Alive."

Wait, Sleeping with Sirens?

Holy shit.

I spit out my drink, making Mike jump back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Vic said, grabbing my arm to stop me from falling forward.

"You said you guys are touring with Sleeping with Sirens?" I said wiping the drink off my face.

Maybe I should have paid more attention. Bands become such a blur to me when touring.

"Yeah, is that a problem or something?" Mike asked, studying my face.

"No, it just.. nevermind" I said, laughing it off. "I guess it just caught me by surprise. I like them. No big deal. Someone refill my glass?" I handed my glass to Kenzie who poured me another shot.

"Maybe you need this."she said.

More than maybe. I definitely need it. I downed the shot and leaned back against the leather couch, tuning all the laughter and conversation out.

I closed my eyes and remembered back to warped tour last summer:

"Hey, you're Zoey Fuentes, right?"

I had been sitting backstage waiting for the guys to finish up.I looked up from my phone to see these beautiful, green eyes looking down at me.

Those eyes...

"Well, yes I am. And you are...?

Wait a minute.

"My names Kellin, from Sleeping with Sirens. I thought you looked familiar."  He smiled at me and stuck his hand out to help me up.

That smile....

I took his hand and stood up.

"Oh, my gosh." I staggered back. He grabbed my hand to pull me back into place.

"The Kellin Quinn? Oh my gosh!"

Holy shit.

"Yes ma'am" he said, a slight hint of laughter in his voice. "That would be me." 

There goes that smile again.

"Are you performing? I didn't know you guys were on the list." I said, pulling out a paper from my back pocket.

We're Doing This Now & Remembering It Later (SWS/PTV Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now