"I never planned to kill you," Victor said leaning towards him. "Did you really think a bullet was enough to compensate for the two years of torture my sister was subjected to?"

The way his eyes darkened, the way his voice lowered to a deep, spiteful level, now John was seeing the real Victor Alfonso.

The destructive killer people claimed him to be.

"And you like a good boy spilled all your secrets without me even doing anything," He said tilting his head a bit as if the whole scenario amused him.

Victor nodded in the direction where his men were standing and they all, understanding the signal, quietly left the cell.

He grabbed the knife that was placed on the nearby table and moved towards John.

"Now you're going to be a good boy like before and tell me how you know about the mafia?" He said. "One wrong word and see what happens."

"I-I don't kn-," Before he could complete, a sharp pain shot in his hand.

He looked at the gash on his right hand which was the cause of the pain.

"Now will you tell me?"

"I really d-don't k-,"

It was followed by another slash on his hand.

Every time Victor asked the question, John's answer remained the same. It was until there was not a single place on his forearm which was not cut, he replied.

"I-I heard your mother talking about it once," He said.

"About the mafia?"

John frantically nodded.

Victor knew he was lying. When his mother left, she was given a clear warning of not uttering even the word 'mafia' in front of everyone.

So it was hard to believe she disclosed the information. His dad's warnings were something not to be messed with after all.

But the woman who can help someone cheat on his dying wife can do anything.

He called one of his men inside the cell.

"Call the doctor and ask him to bandage his hand. Don't let him bleed to death," He said pointing at John who was on the verge of passing out.

He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up before heading home.

Victor was going to drag his death to the point where he would beg them to kill him but death would be a privilege he won't have access to.

Whatever happened to him today was just a little trailer, he was yet to see what Victor was capable of.

- l i l a -

"What the hell is this?" I asked looking at the paper Xander had placed in front of me.

"Solve it," He said smiling.

"You got to be kidding me. What the actual fuck Xander? I'm definitely not-," Before I could complete, he cut me off.

"Come on Lila, they are just a few questions on what I thaught you last time. Quickly solve it."

"What did I even do to you? Why are you torturing me like this?" I whined.

"Did you seriously think that just because you don't go to school now, you'll be able to escape it?"

"I'm not doing it."

"How about you solve it and then we can have a movie night?"


"With lots of junk food."

If he was trying to bribe me into doing my studies, it was successfully working.


"And I'll take you out after you complete this."

"I mean there are not many questions and it's not like I've anything else to do." He laughed at my response.

It didn't even take me ten minutes to throw the sheet on his face after completing it.

It had been a while since I last went out so I was kind of excited.

By the time Xander finished looking at the answers, the smile on his face was replaced with a scowl. 

"More than half of them are incorrect?"


"You really are hopeless in case of Math."

"Or maybe you're not that great of a teacher you think yourself to be. And shouldn't we get going, it's late already."

It took us ten minutes to reach the small restaurant which Xander wouldn't stop talking about. While he went to take some urgent call, I took a seat in the corner. 

It was when I was scanning the interiors that my gaze fell on the boy sitting on a table near ours. He was already looking at me intently. 

I quickly looked away but it was too late. He had already seen me.



What a wonderful end to such an amazing day.


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