Chapter 12

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Tears run down my eyes as I look at the familiar world. The buildings collapse and the rebel's hideout is all burned to ashes. No... They got to them. The government.

"Mallory! Mallory! Where are you?" I cup my hands near my mouth and cry out. I run around, looking for signs of life. Any moving creature. Any hint on where they all went.

Among the wreckage, a small glowing box with a button attracts my attention. I kneel on the floor and holds the box in my hands. I blow away the dust on the box and wipe all ashes away. 'Press me,' a hasty handwritten note on it. I look around, thinking it could be a button for bombs or a trap, but what choice do I have now?

I trust Mallory that I know he can help.

Ms. Brianna's words ring in my head. Don't trust... Don't trust...

I shake my head. Like a puzzle, I must figure this out! I must know their intentions and what is the truth.

Shutting my eyes, I press the button and wait for the worst.

Suddenly, a hologram around me built the building like it was before.

Francis ordered his group to get ready for the next fight. Dharine congratulated the people for the job well done.

I walk around, seeing the teens joyfully clink their root beer mugs in celebration. The battle that I left them in, they won. I smile happily as I try to find the person in my mind.

I try to ask the teens where he could be, but they all act as if I do not exist. As if I am invisible. I place my hand on their shoulder, arm, or back, but my hand goes through. This whole thing is just a hologram.

I should not get my hopes up as I watch this real-life recording of the past. This only led to my search.

I twist the button, leading me straight to being in Mallory's office. Why isn't he with the others celebrating?

My arms tingle, wanting to hold him. To comfort him.

The grey-eyed leader takes a swing of liquid from his mug. He eyes the battle plan table. His brow furrows and he takes another sip.

Harold knocks on the door, calmly. "Bro? You okay back there? You have to join us! I know that Blaire disappeared, but I know she wasn't taken," he encourages. "Her powers might be the cause of her disappearance."

Mallory stays silent on his end.

"It is not your fault. She will come back," Harold continues.

After a few minutes of silence, Harold sighs. He leaves the silent room and joins the group.

I walk closer to Mallory as I hear him mumbling, "It is my fault, Blaire... I failed to protect you...Like I failed Bea..."

My heart broke seeing a strong person crushed and slouching. I will find you, Mallory.

Suddenly, a loud crash ruins his self-pity. Screams echo from outside his office. Loud shots rang throughout the hideout.

Even though it all passed, I stand in fear before the daunting threat. Large machinery trudges like a spider and wrecks the hideout. Weapons scatter across the floor. Tables are turned. Bodies lay in a pool of red on gray and brown fabric.

Mallory goes out of his office and barks orders. "SWHO! SWHO! GO! GO! GO!"

Every teen nods and grab all the weapons and ammo they can store. They run for their lives while carrying a pack with food and weapons.

The horrifying scene shall be a nightmare for the rest of my life.

"Blaire!" Mallory shouts among the commotion and chaos.

My eyes widen and go near him. "Mallory?"

"Wherever you are or if you ever see this, I know you will find us. I left tracks. My office! Look into my plan!" Mallory smiles. His excited attitude came back and he went towards assisting his team.

The holograph stops and leaves me in the hideout wreckage. "His office... His battle plan..." I quickly walk and throw open his office again. The only thing preserved among the wreckage is the battle plan board. All the pieces scattered around the floor. Darn it!

I open the holographic room again. Mallory sits with a disappointed face as he stares at the battle plan table. I pause the scene and I observe the battle plan. What is he trying to say?

I sit down on a jagged rock, sighing. The white chess pieces all are clumped on one side. Francis as the horse, Dharine as the Bishop and Harold as the Rook... But the King is not present near them. Mallory is the King of the Battleplan... Where could the chess piece be?

I walk around the table. Hastily scratched on the bottom tip of the corner, was a compass. North, East, South, West... Certainly, this hideout is not in the southwest of the map. I know that, so that means all the troops went to the southwest while two black chess piece groups clumped on each one corner of the chessboard. Weirdly, the black chess King piece is not with the groups. they found two enemy groups in the northwest and northeast territory.

Mallory and the enemy leader should be around the board... Somewhere... Unless they are not on the board...

I crouch low to find two missing pieces. I kneel on the floor, scratching my knees. They are in the North, but they are not part of the planning board which could only mean one of two things.

Mallory predicted his kidnapping or he went there himself as planned by himself. Why would he be there?

I gulp. The best way to solve my problem is to travel North and get my answers.

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