Elimination Ceremony 1

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We open on the beach after the sun has gone down. A frog croaks before splashing in the water. Chris McClean is standing on the opposing side of a fire looking out at team Gods and Monsters who so fearfully await the verdict. 

Chris McClean: Over the break we had our seven players venture into the beach confessional to make their final decisions. Here it is. 

Tyler Perry (Beach Confessional): She had every opportunity. 

Colton (Beach Confessional): She's a sweet girl.

Anna (Beach Confessional): ****

Chris McClean: Now when I call your name... come select a Marshmallow marshmellow. If I do not call your name you are to take the strip of shame back to the doc, board the Cast Away replica boat fixture, and drift away. You can never come back... EVER. 

Pan faces. All of them panicking even though the odds are pretty much set.

Chris (Cont): Octavia. 

Octavia (Beach Confessional): She's dangerous. None of them know... 

Chris (Cont): Colton... Morgan... Tyler.

Tyler (Beach Confessional): Sometimes... you just got to know when to fold em...

Chris (Cont): Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga (Beach Confessional): The girl spent half the afternoon hiding from someone she thought was going to kill her.

Chris (Cont): and the last marshmellow marshmellow of the night... goes to....

Lady Gaga (Beach Confessional): If you'd read our contracts you'd understand why we can't hold that against her. We women have to stick together. Nothing girly about it. 

Chris (Cont): Anna.

Tyler (Beach Confessional): ... and sometimes you just gotta know when to hold em. 

Eddie Murphy's on his feet in a flash, "Are you serious right now?" 

Colton (Beach Confessional): Guy didn't really do much today...

Octavia (Beach Confessional): If you're going to be a backseat rider you're gonna ride in the back seat.

They watch as he's escorted towards the strip. A camera crew follows.

Stage hand 1: Eddie, last words. For the fans back home? 

Eddie Murphy (Sign Off): Shrek is just kicking Donkey out the swamp. That's all it is.

Role Credits.

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