Who Goes Where

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Our contestants are gathered on a tennis court high up on the third floor of the hotels east wing that beyond the chain link fence drops off into the deepest part of the jungle. 

"Oh God, what's that smell?" Say's Nick Jonas. 

Johnny Depp leans in close and says, "That's my tuna melt mate." as he pulls out a zip-lock bag from his army shorts to show off what he made on the trip to the island, "Must be the heat."

Close up on Chris. 

Chris McClean: Welcome back. Before the break our contestants found their teams. Now it's time for them to find their suites... well... most of them are sweet a few of them might be a little sour- Seriously these **** cue cards- hidden in three locations are 20 keys. Two keys per room, with an odd man out. That person doesn't necessarily go home if they're the one to end up without a key. That is not the challenge. Our challenge is for each team to have all of it's members in a room before the end of the day. First team to compete the challenge get's first place, and all access passes to the party room in the basement for the entire week. Second place isn't getting off so easily, every week, which ever teams lands in second place must vote send someone to the other side of the island in exile. The team in third place will vote to send someone home. 

Jamie interjects, "Wait... so just because you're on the same team that doesn't mean you'll be sharing a floor?

Chris McClean: No. You bunk with whoever has the other key. Tonight, after the bonfire, if the person going home has a key they give it to the person who didn't find one. I've hidden all the keys in three different places. 

Pan through room beside the court. 

Chris (Cont): Scattered in the pool house filled as high as it can go with plastic balls and other stalls. Watch your step. 

Pan across beach.

Chris (Cont): Buried in the sand among some quiet secrets. Listen closely.

Pan over basement.

Chris (Cont): Taken by something that lives in the junk room. Speak carefully. 

Camera one pans the contestants. Camera two locks on Chris' sinister grin. 

Chris (Cont): Good luck guys. I'll see you a dusk. 

Chris exits left and we widen camera two for the whole screen to move in on our contestants.

"I say we all split up." Says Micheal to his team, "Cover more ground." 

"No... we stick together." Demands Melanie, "We're a team." 

Beyonce nods, "She's right. We wouldn't be team Girl Power if we split up." 

"Are we like settled on that name or-"

Justin is silence by all but two of his teammates, "YES!"

Micheal shrugs and looks at him, "Sorry bro... just go with it."

Justin nods. Frog in tea kettle. 

"I say we take on the basement. It's an intellectual challenge right?" Says Taraji, "We girls got that one in the bag." 

The rest agree and their team reenters the building. 

Dwayne lays a hand on Freddie's shoulder pulling him from the confines of the clock shaped arena he's about to blow up with a determined archer and says, "What do we do boss?" 

Freddie's taken a back, "Oh please. I'm not cut out to lead. Why don't we vote on a captain right quick, it's just not my thing." 

Nick's the first one to step forward, "I'll do it. All in favor say I." 

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