Let's Meet the Contestants Part 2

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Waves crash on the shore beneath a shiny gold hotel resort. Twenty-one contestants gather in the dinning hall on the first floor with big open windows for walls and dozens of metal chairs surrounding tables just the same. It's common themes are blue, white, and silver. 

"This is nice." Jamie sighs as she lies beneath air conditioning and presses her face into the transparent glass, "I was completely wrong about this place I thought for sure it was going to be a nightmare."

"I wouldn't let my guard down just yet. From what I heard this Chris guy is insane." Beyonce huffs as she leans back in her chair, eyes locked on the door, waiting for their first demented challenge. 

"These leaves. The water. The animals. The pebbles rolling on the souls of our feet... any nightmare here would be a day dream in my book." Freddie speaks but doesn't look up from the pages of his book. What ever story's in there must be a hell of a lot better than the one right here. 

This receives a couple looks but his lack of interest encourages their lack of interest so they leave it alone. 

"What ever it is I hope it's painful. I got some aggression I need to release." Justin's back rests against the bar as he stares at nothing twiddling his thumbs. 

"You? Release? What- a puff of air?" Says Dwayne. 

At least half the guys in the room chuckle. Almost all the girls laugh loud enough to vibrate the room. The women; like Octavia and Britney only smirk.

Justin says nothing, only keeps his eyes on the ground. He'll ignore them. As much as he can. Even that wont be enough. Who will they vote off first? The one no one likes. Looks like what ever team he joins will have to win this first challenge if he's going to stick around longer than an episode. He doesn't want to become the next Ezekiel and according to the pre-calculated online charts... he is. 

Halle Berry looks over at the only other person sitting at her table, Freddie, and tries to make out what book he's reading. It's lying flat on the glass so she's reading the paragraph on the first page but he turns to the third before she's finished and with a huff she gives up. 

His eyes find her, "It's the hunger games; catching fire." 

A sneer breaks out on her face and as the rest of the room mumbles to each-other she whispers to him, "Getting one up on the competition?" 

He tilts his head to the side, "Are you asking me if I'm using it as inspiration to how to play the game?" 

She thinks for a minute and chuckles, "I guess." 

He shakes his head 'no', "I've read it twelve times. I just like the story." A goofy half grin breaks out on his face.

She smiles back and leans away as Chris walks in with the Chef; Chef. That's his name. Yes. What's more important is the sheet covered secret he's setting down in the center of the room. 

Chris McClean: Welcome. (Big Grin) to Camp Wawanakwa. You've all heard... a lot... I'm sure, about the events that took place here. 

Nick Jonas, who for some reason is sitting cowboy style facing the back of his chair, has the audacity to interrupt. "Get to the point McClean how bad is it going to be?"

Chris grits his teeth and a glare catches in his eyes but he quickly pulls himself together.

Chris McClean: Not at all Jonas, the audience and the company have decided that to warm us up things will be a lot different than they were in the earlier seasons of this show. Having said that, yes the situations increase. Your willingness to participate increases our willingness to throw things at you. Right now we're throwing you a baseball, how does that sound. 

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