Chapter 18

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I was relieved to know that Fall was still alive but my main concerned was for how long? Even though I couldn't see her do to bad signal I felt relief just by the sound of her voice.

"Aubrey how far a?" I felt annoyed as she cut me off as she continued walking straight ahead.

"Seriously? You really can't smell that? Are you even a wolf?"

Anger consumed me as I clenched my fists in anger getting ready to hit her only to be stopped by my sister.

"My sister and I have never encountered vampires before so we don't even know what they smell like. Although I smell something a bit odd I can't quite determine what exactly."

"Wow. Two werewolves who have never encountered a vampire before, well you certainly had a happy childhood. Anyway that strange smell your picking up belongs to a vampire, I am unsure of how many but there seems to be a dozen at most..."

"Great. So before we proceed ahead we need to come up with a pl-" once again I was cut off but this time by my sisters muffled scream. Quickly turning around I saw a strange pale older women holding my sister hostage with a sword against her throat.

 Quickly turning around I saw a strange pale older women holding my sister hostage with a sword against her throat

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"And why are a bunch of wolves crossing onto my land?"

I could sense that this girl was powerful and, I didn't like it. I watch in horror as Aubrey charged towards the women without second thought.

"Let go of my mate!"

In a flash Aubrey was knocked to the ground making me eye the wooded area nervously. The person who attacked Aubrey came out of no where.

"Answer my question or this girl dies."

Looking at my struggling sister I tell the girl everything that's happened making her nod her head in understanding.

"I see. So where after the same person."

"Please just let us go, all I want is my mate back and will go back to our own land." I didn't get a chance to say anything else as the women from before knocked out my sister before advancing towards me. Very quickly I do a double back flip out of her way only to be caught by someone else from behind.

"Please. All I want is-"

"I know what you want. But you will never have her, the girl you so desperately seek is not human, she never was. Even before you bit her. Once she is dead you will soon be broken of her spell. I do not wish to have another war with your kind so once my mission is successful only then will I let the three of you go."


My head hurt as I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself shackled in a unknown cell.

"I see your finally awake."

Looking over at the cell next to me I spotted Petrova looking unwell as she leaned against the stone brick wall.

"How? I thought I saw..."

"Heh. It's hard to kill someone who doesn't have a heart."

"But how? Why? None of this makes any since. More importantly why are you trying to kill the person you-" I stop my sentence as I saw a single tear roll down her cheek.

"You still love her. Don't you?"

"I loved both of them. They made my life have meaning."

"Then why?"

"I'm, I'm not in control of my words or movement. However being this far away from my heart is giving me some control back, but at a cost. It won't be long till my body turns into dust so I'll tell you this. The witches want war. They want to find the queen of all vampires kill her and blame it on the wolves to start another war, a war that could potentially destroy everyone who's in it."

"Why though? Wouldn't starting a war kill them to?"

"There witches. There smart. They already no a way that will save them from dying."

"This is just insane."

"Hey. Before I die how is my sister Grace doing? Is she happy?"

"Grace? That's my mother's name... wait so your really my aunt? How though? My mother has always told me she was an only child..."

"I was selfish and in love. After getting separated from her I was lost in the woods which is when I ran into Ophelia. She showed me the wonders of the world while Lenora taught me how to love. When they showed me my way home I didn't want to go back so I faked my death just so I could be with them. I loved living a life filled with all sorts of adventure, but I was also afraid of death. But now I know that Death is not the end."

I wasn't mad at Petrova trying to kill Lenora and I anymore. Isn't fact I wanted to help her.

"My mom is doing fine as far as I know. She married my father who does construction work."

"I see. Any brothers or sisters?"

"No. After I was born she couldn't have anymore kids." She didn't say anything which led me to continue to speak.

"I want to help you. I don't want you to die. Not again. So tell me what can I do?"

"You can't do anything. My life is in the hands of the Elder witch who holds my heart. She uses it to control my actions. And, the further away I am from my heart the quicker death will come."

"So I just need to break you out of your cell then? Right." Standing up I studied my hands trying desperately to conjure that blue light that escaped from me before only to fail.

"Ngh. My head. Nature? Where are we?"

My eyes widened as soon as I heard the girl say natures name. Rushing towards the door of my cell I called out Natures name only to hear silence.

"You. How do you know my sister? Do you know where she is?"

"Sister? I didn't even know Nature had a sister."

"It's a long story. I'll be happy to tell you about it if you tell me your name and how you know my sister?"

"My name? It's-"

"I'm hearing an awful lot of chatter down here."

My blood turned cold as I felt a powerful presence in the room. I hesitantly backed against the wall as my cell door opened revealing a girl with long pink hair and red eyes. I knew almost immediately that she was a vampire.

"You look like a vampire and yet."

She grasped my hair yanking my head to the side exploding my neck while she sunk her fangs into my skin making me whine as my knees suddenly gave out.

"You have fairy blood coursing through your veins."

I felt confused as I felt her tongue slowly glide against my neck as she let me go.


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