Chapter 13

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After informing my mother on what was happening she was furious. So furious that I was actually afraid of what she might do.


"I'm sorry. I just, my mate. I fear she maybe in danger. Please you must understand..."

Nature's mom- "Understand What?! Understand how you don't even care for your sisters well being?! I devoted my life to protecting Miyu and you just go and give her to a bunch of hungry powered Alphas?!"

"Um I hate to interrupt this little argument but she will only be mated me, no one else."

Nature's mom- "THATS EVEN WORSE!"

"I'm sorry mom but the person I love is in danger and..."



"Mama I don't mind. I get that your trying to protect me because of my status, but all my life I have always wanted to help my older sister achieve something like how she has helped me and no matter what I try to come up with it was impossible for me to do. If mating with this girl helps my sister find her mate then I don't mind. Not to mention I'll finally be able to go outside without having to worry about other Alphas and betas attacking me."

I was surprised to see my sister standing tall and somewhat confident in front of my mother. She was being so brave and considerate right now.

I was honestly begging to rethink this whole thing

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I was honestly begging to rethink this whole thing...

"Miyu... Sigh, hey Aubrey I change my..." looking over at Aubrey she was currently staring at Miyu with a flushed face making me frown deeply. Female wolves are not affected by the Omegas scent. But I can see that she is already attracted to my sister.

"Aubrey, I'm sorry to have dragged you all this way but the deal is off

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Aubrey, I'm sorry to have dragged you all this way but the deal is off."

"What?! Are you serious?! I mean you can't even track a vampire let alone smell one! Besides me how else are you going to find the already dead girl?!"

"She's not dead!"

"Sis, I honestly don't mind. And besides I'm gonna help you look for her."

I didn't know what to do or say anymore. My mom was pissed, Aubrey was irritated, Miyu only wanted to help, I just... I don't know what to do..."

Nature's mom- "Tsk. I wish you would have come to me first before anybody else Nature. Sigh, Miyu... are you really ok with this?"

"I am."

Nature's mom- "Alright. I'll accept this deal you have made with the blue moon pack Nature but on one condition."

I watch my mom hover over Aubrey as Aubrey strengthened her back as to try and not be intimidated by her.

Nature's mom- "If you so much as hurt my daughter in any way... I will kill you. Even if that means starting another war..."

As Aubrey Miyu and I left the house I couldn't help but confront Miyu showing her my worry as she begging to look around in awe. In reality this is her first time being outside.

"Miyu. Are you sure about this?"

"It's fine! And besides I only agreed to all of this because I was kinda hoping I would be able to go with you anyway. I have been inside my whole life Nature, a little adventure isn't going to hurt me. And besides going with you means that I'll get to know Aubrey to! Surely she's not as bad as mama makes her out to be."

"You know for an Omega you sure are brave." She gave me a cheeky grin making me smile until Aubrey decided to butt in.

"That bravery is going to get you killed. So it's best if you stay by my side at all times ok." It wasn't a question. Aubrey was already trying to control my sister and I hated it. I really should have thought more on all of this...

"Your not the only Alpha here Aubrey. I can protect my sister 10 times better then you, that's a fact." She didn't respond but I could feel the tension between us rise as she lead the way. Don't worry Fall, Just hang in there a little more...

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