Chapter 16

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"What do you think your doing?! I told you that any form of contact with your friends and family is forbidden!"

Oh no. What should I do now? For the first time since I got here I felt scared.

Surely she wouldn't hurt me... would she?

"I-I'm sorry I just..."

"Just what?! Can't you see I'm trying to protect you?"

"I'M NOT PETROVA! I DON'T NEED PROTECTING!" She looked at me as if I just tore her heart out making me feel a bit guilty on what I said but it's the truth.

"You are you just don't know it yet. Look I'm sorry I freaked out on you but do you really want to put your friends and family at risk?"

"How is FaceTiming anyone I know putting them at risk?!"

"The more you FaceTime them the more you would want to see them."

"But the more I think about them the more I want to see them. Please Lenora, I can't explain it but I'm feeling home sick. I miss my friends, my mother, father, and as surprising as this may sound I even miss Nature." Tears threatened time spill as I felt Lenora's arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. Right now your emotions are heightened, most vampires turn off there emotions after they turn but if you turn them off you won't be you anymore and I don't want that. So please just be patient for me?"

I relaxed a bit while staring at the shattered tv. Even though I had only been around nature for a two days I could feel my jealousy grow after hearing that other girls voice.

Was she cheating on me? Honestly am I really one to talk though? I mean Lenora kissed me and I actually enjoyed it...

Forcing myself away from Lenora I shove my face in my pillow and scream.

"I HATE THIS! I HATE NOT KNOWING ANYTHING! I hate being locked in this room..."

"You know it's already sunrise."

"And why are you telling me this when I can't even walk out when it's light outside?" My confusion soon turned into annoyance until I heard Lenora open up my shades exposing the beautiful sunset beyond the trees.

"It should be ok for you to go outside just for a bit since it's mostly shady now. But don't go to far ok? Your still not ready to be around-"

I didn't let her finish as I hoped out the window in excitement. It's funny, if I where human I would have died jumping out a three story window.

I grunt as I was suddenly pinned down making me growl deeply until I saw Lenora looking at me smugly.

"You didn't let me finish."

She had a playful smile as her grip around my wrists tightened while I struggled to get free.

"I already knew what you where going to say so there was no need for me to list-" she silenced me with a kiss making me feel even more guilty as I looked at the sunset shining through the wooded trees.

"Stop." I couldn't handle this. I couldn't handle any of this. But I have already accepted Nature and there's no going back on it.

I could feel Lenora's eager hands lift up my shirt as I struggled to get free. Even though I was enjoying it being here with Lenora felt wrong. And yet me fighting her was getting weaker and weaker with each kiss she gave me.

All of a sudden a large gust of wind shot Lenora off of me making my eyes widen as I watch her body hit a nervy tree.

"You said you would always love me."

Sitting up slowly I was surprised to see none other then myself standing right over me practically glaring at Lenora as she laid on the ground looking shocked.


Authors note
Hey hey it's been a while hasn't it? Anyway I hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter ;)

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