Chapter 11

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I was going insane. Fall was missing, it's been two days since I have last saw her and I'm growing worried. I couldn't smell her scent, it's as if she had completely vanished from this world. But that couldn't be possible right? I mean I remember her scent as clear as day.

She smelled and tasted just like vanilla and yet the smell of vanilla was nowhere to be found. I couldn't go to school feeling as much distress as I was and so I decided to visit Falls parents again. I smiled weakly as Falls mother gave me a soft warm smile welcoming me into her home as she poured me a glass of lemonade.

"Nature right? What brings you over?"

"I-I was hoping if you found anymore leads on Fall?"

"Fall? Didn't we tell you? She's currently helping her cousin with there store out of town so she won't be here for a few weeks possibly months..."

"What? Out of town? But didn't you say she was missing? I mean you had the cops over and everything and that still doesn't explain why she hasn't been answering my calls or texts."

"She's out of town helping her cousin where sorry for the inconvenience..."

"But I don't..." she smile sweetly as she spoke in that same monotone voice making me squint curiously.

"She's out of town helping her cousin where sorry for the inconvenience..."

Both of us seemed to jump as Falls father came into the room with a bored look on his face. This is the first time I'm meeting him.

 This is the first time I'm meeting him

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"Excuse me sir, Fall where is she?"

Falls Dad- "Hmm? She's out of town helping her cousin. She probably won't return for a few months possibly more... who are you?"

"Uh... I don't think I have ever heard Fall mention any cousins."

Falls Dad- "Hmm? She's out of town helping her cousin. She probably won't return for a few weeks possibly more... who are you?"

I squint questionably quickly deciding to change the subject.

"How bout them chiefs?"

Falls Dad- "OH! You watch football?! Just the other day the chiefs beat the Lions in a thriller! You should have seen Falls excitement! HA I'm so happy I have a daughter who likes sports."

Note: I hate sports and just took off whatever I seen off the internet anyway let's continue!

"Oh so Fall was here?"

Falls Dad- "Hmm? She's out of town helping her cousin. She probably..."

Anger overcame me as I slammed my fist on the wooden table forming a perfect crack right down the middle letting out a deep growl.

They just keep repeating the same shit over and over almost as if they where... no. It can't be. I have never met one before so I don't know there smell nor what they look like but if it is what I think it is then Falls in danger!

Rushing out of the house I run towards the school looking for Aubrey in a panicked state. I finally found her talking... no, lecturing one of the students for cutting class. Without thought I grasp her arm and start pulling her away from the terrified freshman making her growl deeply.

"HEY! What's the big idea?! Ohhh could it be that your horn..."

"NO! Look I need your help with something. You've met a vampire before right?"

"Well we didn't really meet since I sank my teeth into its neck and ripped its head clean off there body but I suppose so. Why do you ask?"

"Just fallow me." As we made it back to Falls house I ignored Falls parents as they repeated the same thing over and over again as Aubrey begin to look around. Once she was done she had an annoyed look on her face as she spoke.

"Your suspicions are right. Their stench is faint but I can still smell it's rotten corpse. So your telling me you couldn't smell it?"

"I guess I was to busy try to sniff out Falls scent. I'm worried Aubrey, what if a vampire got to her? What if..."

"So what? I mean she was dead anyway. If you ask me the Vampire did her a favor."

"ENOUGH!" She winced while taking a hesitant step back grasping her wrist nervously as anger consumed me.

"Will you help me find her or not?"

"Why would I? I mean there's really nothing in it for me is there?"

My anger was beginning to boil over its limit until I came up with an idea.

"Let's be truthful, you don't want me as a mate all you want is power right?"

"Well I wouldn't say..." she stopped as I sent her a harsh glare making her shuffle.

"I suppose."

"My father rejected your father to form a pack together. If you help me find Fall I'll allow both our packs to become one."

"But in order to do that we need to form a mating bond to which you have refused."

"I have a sister. She's younger and much more obedient then I'll ever be. You could say she's your typical Omega."

"Sister? You have a little sister? How come I haven't seen or heard of her before?"

"It's just as I said. She's an Omega, my mother she's soft hearted and doesn't want any harm coming to her so she keeps her hidden. She's normal unlike me. So what do you say. Will you help me?" I didn't want to sell my sister out like this. I mean she was my precious little sister but I need to find Fall. I need to know if she's still alive.

"Fine. I'll help you find the dead girl."

"SHE'S NOT DEAD!" She can't be.

Authors note
Surprised? 😏
Coming soon! Sequel to Claimed by the Alpha. Well it's going to be more about Nature's sisters story about not knowing the world that lies ahead since she was always confined by her overprotective mother.

Note not sure of the background...

Note not sure of the background

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