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Tine could tell Type was nervous. Gently, he grabbed the older one's wrist and grinned. His gesture earned a slight smile from Type and the two walked into the house.

Hana and Jirayu, who were both standing around in nervousness, looked at them with overjoyed expressions. They pulled the nervous Type into a welcoming hug; instantly reminded Type of childhood. It was true, they didn't take him in, but aunt Hana and Uncle Jirayu had never been problematic as the rest of the family.

They weren't the ones to pressure his mother to the point where she made the drastic decision to commit suicide because he, Type, wouldn't stop being friends with a witch, Techno, who had temporarily moved into the Town.

And before he showed interest in non-humans, they had always been more on the loving side; constantly showering him and his family with presents and offering help whenever they could. They were unlike the others who only turned to them for money, and to gossip.

So even while he was disappointed they didn't take him in, he never once hated them as he hated the rest of the family. At least they proved themselves now, whereas the others never will.

"I'm sorry," Hana said, grasping Type's hands, "for not being there for you."

Type shook his head, "It's alright. I don't blame you. And thank you, for reaching out to me."

"I wish we had done so sooner," Hana softly muttered, before taking out an envelope. "Here."

Type took the envelope with curiosity. He opened it up and took out the content, his eyes widening in shock. "I can't acce-"

"Keep it," Jirayu insisted. "It's the money the rest of the family owed us. I guess Hana's anger really instilled fear into them seeing as they managed to pay us back all they owed us in such little time despite us having asked nicely for years before. We've already used half for Tine's university tuition, and now the remaining is yours. It's the least we could do for you after leaving on your own for so long. We're sorry it took for our son to be so much like you for us to decide to change."

Type was overwhelmed. He bit back his urge to cry as he shook his head, assuring them he had already forgiven them the moment they wrote him a letter and even added a picture of him and his family - something he didn't think he'd ever see again unless it was through Techno's spells.

For the first time in a while, Type felt the last of weight on his shoulders be lifted. This was a closure he didn't know he needed until now, and he was thankful for it.


"What are you hiding?" Sarawat asked, pushing Tine against the bed and holding him down by the wrist. "And don't lie to me. We both know you're not the greatest at concealing your emotions."

Tine gulped, looking away to the side. His actions made Sarawat all the more frustrated as he released Tine's wrist and grabbed his chin. He gently made Tine look his way once more, and planted a soft kiss on his mate's forehead.

"Tine," he pleaded, pulling away. "Please, tell me what happened when you talked to the Oracle witch."

"Nothing," Tine mumbled. Bringing both his hands up and cupping the worried wolf's face. Sarawat sighed, plotting himself down on Tine's chest and hugging him tightly. "It's not nothing if it's been causing you to look so worried for the last two days. You know I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Tine gently ran his fingers through Sarawat's hair, pondering. Hesitantly, he asked, "If...You won't hate me? No matter what?"

Sarawat at Tine in shock, "How could I ever hate you?"

"You won't be disgusted either?" Tine's voice wavered.

"Never," Sarawat reassured.

"I...I was just worried she would tell you about me. Who I am, or was," Tine confessed, taking in the way Sarawat's face morphed into confusion.

He sighed, bringing his arm up to cover his face, trying not to cry as he recalled everything - from what the witch said, to what he remembers so vividly. His actions made the older mate move to lay down next to him and pull him into an embrace.

"I have memories," he said, "of my previous life. I died at the age of fifteen due to cancer. But even before I was diagnosed, I was pretty sickly and spent most of my time in and out of the hospital. I didn't really have friends and mostly spent time reading and watching fantasy movies in my free time.

"The oracle witch didn't say much, she was just surprised. It seemed someone intentionally brought me -through prayers- into this world full of magic so I could be happier. Which is unexpected because where I was previously from, magic didn't even exist. But they unintentionally placed a slight curse on me - hence why I'm pretty much invisible to people and no one really wants to approach me. She helped me get rid of it though."

Sarawat tensed up, having not expected such a confession from his mate. Yet it made everything click into place.

The reason Tine seemed to dislike going to the hospital unless it was necessary.

Why Tine was so used to the loneliness to the point where it made his parents concerned, because even before they pulled him out of school, their son didn't have anyone and yet never complained about it.

And finally, it made sense why Tine seems to love knowing more about magic and non-humans - simply because to him, it was a dream come true they were now real.

He felt his heart jab in pain, thinking about the unfairness his mate had to go through. "Thank you," Sarawat breathed out. "For telling me."

Tine was silent, bathing in the acceptance before he let himself smile. "I love you, 'Wat."

"I love you, too, Tine," Sarawat replied, pulling Tine into a quick kiss.

The two smiled, relieved to have talked things out. They laid in peace until Sarawat spoke up once more. "...Tine."


"May I touch your boobs?"

"...go to sleep, pervert."

[a.n: it's about 3:30 am where I am and I should really be sleeping but here's another chapter.]

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