30:상처( part 2)

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The ride home was too silent. Taeyong sat with a still expressionless Jaehyun trying his best to stick close to him.
They reached home and got inside.
"Jae..come here a sec" Ten said and Jaehyun followed him.
Taeyong looked troubled.
"Who was that lady?" Johnny asked.
"His mother .." Taeyong muttered .
"Mother?" Johnny's eyes widened.
The two came out of the kitchen after whatever Ten had told him.
"We're going upstairs. Goodnight" Ten said and they all muttered a good night to each other before Johnny followed him up.

"I'm sorry for scaring you back there..." Jaehyun said said after they got into bed.
"Its okay alpha.." Taeyong had tons of questions in his mind but he wanted to obey Ten.
Jaehyun watched the omega's expression closely.
"Ask" he said.
"What?" Taeyong asked.
"You're terrible at hiding bubu" Jaehyun nosed his cheeks smiling softly .
"Why..umm why were you mad sat her if she was your mother?" Taeyong asked.
Jaehyun put his arms around him.

"Well..she was never really part of my life Tae. She didn't want me when she got pregnant with me and Appa had to beg her and gave her money just to bring me into this world. I lived with her around when I was 10 or 11. She was the worst mother anyone could ask for...
And she created a lot of problems with the company a few years back... I just ..hate her." Jaehyun's anger was rising again and held Taeyong a bit too tightly.
The omega helped at the harsh hold and tried to calm him down .
"Sorryy.." Jaehyun said snapping out of it and kissed his slightly bruised arms.
"Its okay and alpha . She may not have wanted you but we all do.
I love you" he said and leaned in for a kiss.
Jaehyun sighed , all the tension seeping out of his body.
"I love you too sweetheart..with all my life...
"You met me only a week ago and I'm already dying " a girl lay on the hospital bed .
"That's not true.." Taeyeon said walking to her.
"You know that's not true alpha" she looked into her eyes.
"You're alive. You're still alive and for what time you have left you are alive. I want you to fight Irene" Taeyeon held her hands giving her mate a desperate look.
"What good will it do Tae? I have brain cancer.." a tear slipped down Irene's eyes.
"No! The longer you fight the longer you can stay. I don't want you to go silently..I want you to fight ..and I'll be with you..till your last breath " Taeyeon wanted to scream and scream until his voice gave out but she had to be strong.
"Are you sure about this?" Taeyeon asked walking out of the hospital with Irene.
"I'd rather not die in a hospital without any hair and not being able to talk to anyone because of radiation..I want to do everything I wanted to do for the time I have left..with you.." they held hands .

The next two months , they got in as much trouble as they could, got matching tatoos,  trespassed , watched sunsets ..
They fought once because Irene deleted all her photos and burned the other ones because she didn't want Taeyeon to mourn over her.
Eventually , they were back in Chicago and Irene died in her arms watching snow fall .
Only Johnny's mother knew the entire thing and she agreed when Taeyeon said she wanted to go to Korea because she seemed to be in depression.
Taeyong got a phone call the next morning from Seungcheol.
Jeonghan had gone into labour and JaeYong went to the hospital to see their new born alpha pup Choi Vernon. Jisoo had decided on an American name and as much as Seungcheol wanted to protest he could not.
Jaehyun was in awe at the baby.
Jeonghan handed his doll like baby boy to Taeyong. Jaehyun watched the baby over his shoulder. He cooed and watched onto his finger.
"Hold him..Jae" Jeonghan said and Jaehyun turned pale.
"Hyung..I really don't wanna drop a newborn kid.." he said but Taeyong was already handing over the baby to him.
"Hands under the neck" Taeyong said and moved back.
Jaehyun felt awkward at first. He was getting used to holding the small human pup but then suddenly Vernon started screaming in a cry and he freaked out.
Taeyong and Jeonghan laughed watching his terrified expression and took the baby from his arms.
"Have you thought about having pups?" Taeyong asked all of a sudden that evening to Ten.
"Sure. Why?" Ten asked .
"Just curious"
"You should have the first pup in our house"
"Because you're the youngest."
"No. It'll be you obviously.."
"And why is that?"
A few weeks later

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