7: 다크 시크릿

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Mentions of rape, graphic violence and psychosis. Read with your own precaution and will.

"It's why Jaehyun helped me escape to Korea...."

Ten was from a filthy rich family in Thailand. He had a dutyful father, a loving mother and an kind and non-annoying elder brother.
When he was 11 years old his father died but his brother, Tern being 18 started carrying over his father's business. His mother was always sick having lost his mate and his mother and brother frequently fought.
His mother was not even his mother anymore, a monster, who wanted to drag down their whole family - it was almost as if their father had taken his humanity with him.
His brother sent him away to a new house because he didn't want little Ten to go through all the harsh treatments their mother gave him.
Ten was 14 when he had his first heat. That night his brother was not at home and their family's most trusted bodyguards turned out to be the monsters.

Ten's life took an unexpected turn when he got his innocence taken away from him. A nightmare he had never even conjured up...
They raped him, hit him, threatened to kill him if he ever told hid brother. Ten could only cry..what could a frail 14 year old child do against 5 fully grown male alpha's? Their kind housemaid,Lisa, an beta female tried to help him as much as possible, cleaned his blood, consoled him, tried to make him reason that whatever happened was not his fault, but she too was scared and could not do much against them. She told him that his heat cycles would be irregular because of the emotional and physical trauma he experienced during his first heat.
Ten became bold because of all his experiences. Lisa took him to taekwondo classes every saturday and sunday when they were not around. Ten never told his brother.
As much as he tried to act strong, he knew his brother was hurting inside and made up his mind to run away from his country and start a new life the moment he got the chance.

At his next heat, Lisa gave him suppressents so that they would not smell him and gave him a load of painkillers so that he would not have to go through the pain, locked his door and destroyed the key.

Tern came home at night to find four of the bodyguards and Lisa dead . He ran to Ten's bedroom and saw another man on the floor, not dead but unconcious but Ten was nowhere to be seen. He panicked and looked everywhere until he found his brother inside a closet curled up on himself with blood on his hands and bruises on his body with a null expression on his face. With much difficuly Tern dragged his brother out.

Ten clung to Tern and cried hysterically and ended up with him passing out of exaustion. It was a rainy night. Tern and their old driver who had literally slept through the screaming, gunshoots and everything else carried him to the hospital.
Ten was awake by the time he was going through physical examination. He told the doctors that he had beat him and manhandled him and that nothing else had happened.
The boy seemed to too shook up so the doctors did not do anything else . They cleaned his wounds and told Tern to take him home and keep close watch over him.

The next day Ten heard the news that their mother was dead. Neither Ten nor Tern felt sad, infact they did not feel anything. Their mother was gone 3 years ago when their father had died.
Lisa had miraculously survived but she did not remember anything. Ten told the authorities that the five men had barged in and Lisa had shoot the four of them to keep him safe before the fifth alpha hit her head.

Tern was extremely overprotective over him after all these incident's. He never left him alone and took him along when he went to work.
After a while Ten felt annoyed, he could not go to school, could not meet the bear minimum friends he had..but he did not tell Tern that for he knew how much he loved him.
On Ten's 16th birthday, his mother's friend and his son gave him a surprise visit. Jaehyun was a childhood friend of Ten's and was delighted to see him.
Jaehyun's father explained that Jaehyun was going to Korea soon and thought that a change of life after everything had happened would be good for Ten.

Tern told him that he would discuss it with Ten and tell him their decision.
Ten agreed as soon as he heard it. Tern was disappointed but happy to see Ten acting like a child after so many years. Ten promised him to be in close touch and that he would not refrain to ask for help.
On their way to Korea Jaehyun asked why he was so enthusiastic to leave Thailand and Ten told him everything. Jaehyun like the good friend he was, told him that he had made a good choice and that they'd have lot's of fun in Korea.

"So now you know....everything...and you know that it was not my choice" Ten cried freely not bothering to hide his tears. Johnny had heard him throughout without interrupting him. Ten was shocked to see Johnny crying too.
Ten laughed through his tears." Why are you crying you idiot? " he asked wiping the alpha's tears away. Johnny didn't respond and just looked into Ten's eyes.
"I'm so sorry" Johnny whispered kissing Ten's face. "Why? You didn't do anything" Ten snuggled into his chest listening to his rushed heartbeat. "I couldn't be there for you" the alpha replied burying his face into his neck and crying.
"I was so alone...I didn't have anyone" the omega sobbed happy that he could express his feelings so openly to the big guy.
"I'm here now. We're here. And I won't let anything happen to you ever again. You're mine...you're mine" Johnny tried to stop his tears but failed again.
Ten giggled and Johnny giggled too.
"You huge dork.. I love you" Ten smiled lovingly, his eyes and the tip of his nose red and wiped away the rest of Johnny's tears too.
"I love you even more" Johnny responded and kissed his tears away before catching Ten's lips in a sweet kiss.
"Oh look the movie is over" Ten suddenly said seeing the credits and switched of the TV.
"So you know Taekwondo? " Johnny asked cuddling the shorter male.
"Mm I'm a black belt now...I was thinking of teaching Taeyong too" Ten said looking at Johnny
"That's a good idea sweet and have you told your brother about me? " Johnny agreed then asked snuggling into the omega's chest.
"On the first day itself. He said he'll visit sometime next month" Ten said crading his long fingers through Johnny's caramel hair.
"And remember I'll always be there for you.."
"Thank you Johnny....I'll kill you if you aren't "

They both laughed
Ten felt lighthearted as if he had took a weight off his chest.
He thanked the heavens above for giving him his new life..

"You're the boss Ten"...

A/N: ok I cried a bit writing this....
Please like and comment* while sobbing like a whale* * inhales*

SARANGHAE LOVELIES~~~*still crying*

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