28: Birthday

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Taeyong, Jaehyun and Yuta came home later .
Ten opened the door for them and the couple acted like nothing had happened.
Until he couldn't hold his excitement and showed Taeyong his ring after taking him to a corner.

Until he couldn't hold his excitement and showed Taeyong his ring after taking him to a corner

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Taeyong was about to scream but Ten stopped him.
"He proposed!! It's so beautiful" Taeyong silent screamed and Ten jumped around.
"I know!" He grinned .
They hugged each other squealing.
"Oh..you gotta tell Jungwoo hyung" Taeyong said still excited.
"I will...and happy birthday baby" Ten nodded and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you hyung..but really with you guys I feel like.. everyday is my birthday" Taeyong smiled .

"Why didn't you propose?! It's his birthday. We have to do it today. You have no idea how much I held back from wishing him today morning.." Johnny hissed at Jaehyun.
"How could I when he was crying over the death of a one month old baby?" Jaehyun asked. Yuta nodded seriously. " it was not a good time Johnny"
"Ok...he seems happy now..?" Lucad said stealing a glance at the omega's from his hiding place .
"I-I'll try" Jaehyun said and walked . He took two steps , turned around and looked at them pleadingly.
"Can't I do it tomorrow?"Jaehyun asked.
"Jeffery. Go" Johnny pointed and said firmly. Jungwoo waved at him playfully hiding behind Johnny(best hiding place).
"Alright.." Jaehyun tried to stop his hands from shaking and walked.

"Hey Ten..can I borrow him for ten minutes?" Jaehyun asked coming up from behind him.
"Sure.." Ten said.
Taeyong turned towards the alpha and followed him up the stairs.

And chaos ensued...
"Get the cake quick" Ten rushed Yuta around while he got candles. Doyoung put Oreos and other Taeyong favourites around the cake .
While Taeil,Lucas and Taeyeon tried a very pathetic last minute effort to put up the 'happy birthday' on the wall.
Minji gathered up all the gifts they had brought in a heap nearby.
Yuta put the '18' candle on top of the cake.
And everybody rushed back to their hiding spots.
10 minutes seemed too long..
"What's going on hyung?" Taeyong asked when they got to the terrace and Jaehyun made him sit down on a chair. The view from the top was fantastic and wind blew from the sea accompanied by mellow lighting creating a romantic atmosphere.
"A-alpha?" Taeyong's confusion went further when Jaehyun crouched down in front of him.
"I love my pudu.." Jaehyun said .
"Hyung what?" Taeyong started but was stopped by a shh from the alpha.

"Taeyong-ah..I..I don't know how to express my love for you with words much. I hope I show you enough affection because I love you a lot and I can't explain how much I do.
It has been nearly a year since we met, and we have got so much closer since then along with Johnny and Ten..and Taeyong I've felt the happiest around you, your smile lights my world up, your eyes fill me with love, you stole my heart and my soul my omega. And I never want you to return it..even after we die in this life..you're so sweet, caring and lovable yet so bratty and whiny. You're perfect in every way..and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you..but I would like to take this chance.
So..Lee Taeyong..will you marry me? Be my omega for life? " Jaehyun asked and brought out his ring box.
Taeyong gasped, processing everything , he had an arms clasped over his mouth in shock.
"Love?" Jaehyun asked when Taeyong was still not answering.
"Yes.." Taeyong whispered barely audible.
"Yes alpha.." he said out loud and smiled at him , trying not to cry.
Jaehyun smiled back and slid the ring on his finger and kissed his fingers one by one on both hands.

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