"You know I trust you. It's him I don't trust," Laura said. Pain flashed through the nineteen-year-old eyes.

"Since when? You liked him not too long ago. And unless you think he would rape me like Josh did, you not trusting him, means you don't trust me either," Tori set into perspective. Laura shook her head and pulled the medicine divider from her daughter's hands. She needed her undivided attention.

"Tori, of course I trust you. But I'm scared. This is not the first boyfriend you've had and if you remember correctly, I liked him too. Until I found out he was influencing you to do the wrong things and ultimately raped you. So, excuse me for being more cautious this time," Laura said. Tori's eyes softened, understanding her mother's concern.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm... these meds are make me irritable," Tori excused, taking her meds case back and finishing what she had started. Laura quietly backed away and left Tori to her own devices, not entirely sure how to talk to her when she got frantic.

9:25 AM

André rolled into the gun ready to work with his team. While getting undressed and into his practice gear, Caelan noticed a huge new accessory to his cousins skin. "Dude, did you get into a fight?" Caelan laughed, moving his cousins head to get a better look.

"Man, shut up," André pushed away, pulling on his practice jersey.
"I spent the night at Tori's parents place," he said. Caelan and JT came up to the third member of their pack and smacked him on the shoulder proudly.

"You finally did. Good job!" JT congratulated. André furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, taking a seat on the bench to change his shoes.

"It's not like that. Yeah we made out and she definitely has it worse than I do, but no. That's it. I didn't want to get her in any more trouble and I actually love her," André declared. Caelan and JT laughed for a second before looking at André.

"Wait, you're serious?" Caelan clarified. André nodded, as if it was obvious. "Dude, that's what's up," he high-fived. "Well, damn let me get all those old number since you settling down," Caelan smirked.

"Can't do that, brosky. I told her to delete all of them. I'm out. No broads, no drugs. I'm different now," André said. Caelan looked to his cousin in shock. He would say all of that talk every time he got a girlfriend, but never did he delete the numbers. This time he meant business.

"Damn! You serious, serious. Well, aye— at least there's the new freshman, Lexie. She's cute. And athletic. My speed," Calean smirked. André rolled his eyes, but before he could head out with his team his coach pulled him into his office.

"Mr. Murillo, I got the call from Biola. They accepted your offer and want you in Germany in January," Coach Baskin's smiled, handing his player the letter of acceptance. "One semester, 80k, and they pay for everything. You struck one hell of a deal, congrats, son," he smiled, leaving André to himself.

"Yeah, but I have to leave Tori for that semester," he mumbled putting the letter in his locker and heading out to practice. He was excited about the deal, but that was before he met Tori. Now, his ties to California were a bit stronger than he had planned on.

While her boyfriend practiced, Tori laid on the couch of her parents living room scrolling through her email, when one caught her eye. Scooter Braun? Tori immediately clicked on the email to see a short paragraph.

Hey, Tori

I just received word that the label wants to meet with you as soon as possible. They loved the EP and want to take you as far as you've dreamed. Let's get in contact, this spring may be a big one for you.

Talk soon, Scooter

"Oh my gosh," Tori breathed, sitting up and looking to her parents room. In a rush of pure joy, Tori ran from the couch and burst into her parents room. Not a care in the world came from her seeing her father in the bed and her mother frantically getting dressed.

"Tori! What happened to knocking?" Allwyn asked, sitting up and grabbing his shirt.

"No time for knocking, Daddy! I got it!" She beamed, playing the pronoun game, forcing her parents to ask who.

"Ri, you're going to have to elaborate," Allwyn said sliding out of the bed in his pajama pants. Laura came around the bed, fully dressed in her pajamas and stood next to her husband.

"Scooter Braun! I got the spot! They want me! They want my music!" She excited explained. Allwyn pulled his daughter into a bear hug with his wife hanging on the side waiting her turn.

"Congratulations, Ri. See I told you to keep your head up. I knew you would get it," Allwyn proudly smiled.

"I can't wait to tell, Dré. He's going to be so excited!" Tori assumed, coming out of the hug and pulling her phone to her chest.

Big News! Let's go onto our place tonight!

11:15 AM

JoJo, Kamari, Jordin, and Kayla sat in the apartment, looking through places when Kayla got a call from Tori. "Guys, shut-up!" The aspiring hair dresser said answering the call. "Tori! Are you okay baby? Your mom told us what happened," Kayla asked. The girls crammed their faces into frame, doing their best to see their friend.

"Babe! When are you coming home? We miss you!" Kamari called. Tori looked around her family home with a shrug.

"Hopefully next month, but I don't know if I am coming back. I just got a email saying that I got Scooter wants to sign me. So, if I came back home, I'm probably not going to school," Tori replied.

"Damn, that's crazy! Are you excited I would be," JoJo smiled, scrolling through the computer in front of them. "What do y'all want? The page is gonna cut out," JoJo called. Tori looked at Kayla weird.

"Sorry, boo, we're ordering pizza. Hold up," Kayla said. Tori watched Kayla set you the phone and friends chat for a minute.

"Jordin, tell Tori what you you were thinking?" JoJo said as she clicked some buttons. Jordin moved behind Kayla as she pulled her hair into a bun.

"We should all get a place together next semester. Like us girls and the guys. AJ, Dana, and Mateus won't have a place to stay after this semester, so I think we should all get a house together," Jordin said. Tori's ears perked. She loved living with JoJo, Kayla, and Kamari, and practically Jordin.

"I'm down. André is clearly going to need a place, since I assume he went back to his old room since I've been gone," Tori assumed.   Kayla furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"What? Girl, he still lives here. He has been keeping your room clean and sleeping on the mattress. He's actually been a big with the cleaning and food and time. He's literally been a male version of you," Kayla said, taking Tori back. She hadn't expected André to want to stay, but at the same time, she knew he hated living at his old place. His roommate was cool, but as soon as he left the drug seen, they kind of fell out. So, Tori was glad he took refuge in her place even when she wasn't there. That gave her a sense of hope, that maybe he was who he was when they were together and apart.

To Be Continued...

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