All Over Again

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february 11th — thursday morning
6:15 AM

Tori sat at the counter of her island with Ella on the surface in front of her. The sad baby cried and screamed as the tired mother did her best just to stay awake. "Where is daddy?" Tori mumbled. Ella didn't want to be held, but she surely didn't want to be alone. And she didn't want mommy, but daddy wasn't an option either and Noah had to go school, so the baby was going to have to settle.

"Is it a cold? Or near death?" André asked, coming down the steps with the boys and Ella's blanket. Tori shook her head as her husband let the boys down.

"E, crying," Joey pointed as Jaxon moved to the pantry door.

"Mhh Poptart," he called with no concern for his sister. André glanced to the baby then to his son.

"Babe, maybe she's hungry," André guessed grabbing the packaged snack.

"I tried nursing her, she refuses to latch," Tori replied. André broke off a piece of the sweet treat and handed it to the almost 9 month old. "Babe, she can't have—" In shock, Tori watched the child go ham on the small piece she was given.

"I told you. Hungry," André smirked. Tori was confused, and definitely a little upset.

"She weaned over night and didn't even tell me," Tori sulked, picking up her baby and placing her on her shoulder. "It was too soon," she mumbled, doing her best not to cry. She wasn't ready to wean. She was only 9 weeks pregnant. And while she looked 13 or 14 weeks, she was still early. Thankfully, she could still pump and not worry about her milk supply dropping for the newcomer. But, she wasn't necessarily ready for her time with Ella to be cut so short.

"It's okay. You'll have two new babies to booby feed here soon," André joked. Tori shook her head immediately, as she got up to make sure the boys were okay in their seats.

"Babe, don't say that. Twins was hard enough with no kids. I can't have two more on top of these three," she whined. André could see how annoyed Tori had gotten and put on his best puppy dog face.

"I'm sorry. Okay, I won't say that anymore. I'm just excited to see the baby today. We didn't get to experience this with Ella, so I'm just ready you know," he smiled. Tori understood, his excitement, but she needed it to be dialed back. They were already biting off more than they could chew and did not want to start metaphorically choking.

"I know, just be patient," the momma of three said. André agreed and moved to more pressing matters.

"So, are you not cooking breakfast or..." he trailed off, knowing a Poptart wasn't going to do anything for him. Tori giggled and handed off the baby, before moving into wifey mode.

9:45 AM

Dr. Arizona Robbins, the doctor that delivered the twins, updated Tori's chart as they sat in the quiet office. "Where are the kiddos this morning?" She asked, jotting down Tori's blood pressure.

"My mom took them to the museum. The boys love the animals and Ella loves the colors," Tori answered. Arizona's heart swooned as she continued the appointment. Having one of her youngest clients be so successful against the odds gave her pure joy.

After 45 minutes of boring, Arizona pulled out the sonogram machine and started to set it up. "Now, normally, I would go through your vagina, to see the baby at this stage, but because this is pregnancy number three, and you're already showing, I'm going to save the time and energy." Arizona pulled out the probe and placed the gel on Tori's abdomen. "So are we hoping for twins again?"



Tori gave André a glare as he started to cackle. "You think you're so funny. If this pregnancy turns out to be twins, Murillo, I swear," Tori emptily threatened. André threw her smirk and redirected his attention to Arizona's screen. A silent moment passed, before a single heart beat showed up.

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