Welcome to Bellwood

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Dad as fast as a rocket hit the brakes
I look up seeing a lady in a red torn dress, her long midnight hair covered her face, her skin filled with cuts and bruises that forms symbols on her body gave me an awful vibe.

"Ummm OK kids, honey stay here." Dad stuttered.
Riley pressed her head against my chest as she squeezes my arm.
~Lady in red continues to cry~
"Excuse me miss are you OK." Dad ask.
"Are you kidding me dad!" I shouted at him.
"What Max!" He shouted
"You literally just ask a lady with bruise and cuts on her skin if she is OK wow!" I shouted
"OK OK." he said as he got out of the car.
Dad slowly walked towards her. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked.
"Dad she is bleeding obviously she needs to go to the hospital!" I shouted.
"Max you are not making this better!" Dad shouted.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The lady screamed vanishing as her body transformed into moths.
Dad quickly got inside the car and drove off.
"O my god o my god." My step mom screamed. "What the hell was!"
"Max." Riley said crying.
"It's OK sweetie we'll be fine let's not talk bout this again OK." Dad demanded.
"That's the lady  I saw in my dreams." Riley looked up at me and said.
"Riley let's not talk bout this OK." Dad and my step mom chorus.
"Are you kidding me dad forget about this, we have been ever since mom died and you never helped us try to solve this problem that Riley has!" I yelled.
"Max we have been in this argument already I'm not up for it again the reason why I say forget it is because I don't not not want to scare Riley anymore!" Dad shouted hitting his fist against the steering wheel.
"Honey calm down do not let Max get to your head, I told you that you should have send him to that all boys boarding school." My step mom said as she rubs dads back.
"What Boarding school?" I asked.
"Son I can expl sigh." Dad said and shook his head.
A sudden silence then filled the air.
I look through the window and saw a sign saying welcome to Bellwood. I guess there is no turning back now.
Couple hours later
Dad said that he was going to stop by a motel so we can get some rest. We finally arrived at the motel and got a room for us to stay.
"I'll take Riley with me." Step mom said as she took Riley out of my arm.
"Son." Dad said.
I did not answer him and walked away. I have been through too much right now whatever took place earlier in the car I just want to forget about it, plus I am too tired anyways the only things I care about are Riley my health and education. I just went to bed.
~Knocking at the door~
"Mmmmmm." I mumbled
"Max I want to sleep with you." Riley whispered poking my face.
"Whyyyyyy?" I asked as I stuff the pillow on my face.
"I'm scared." She said hugging me.
"Oh my God go to mom and dad." I demanded.
"No I can't remember to told me that anytime they are doing the special dance I should not trouble them." She whispered.
"What special da- ohhhhhhhhhh haha." I laughed
"OK lay here and please do not kick me." I said.
"By the way what is the special dance?" She asked.
"You'll know when you get older." I said covering her with the sheet.
" I don't understand why would they be dancing in bed, it's just weird because mom keeps on making these strange noises and the bed too." She said confused.
"Haha Good night Riley." I laughed
~8 hours later ~
~Flapping noise ~
"Riley stop." I murmured.
~Flapping noise~
"I said stop Riley." I murmured again.
"Stop doing what." She murmured.
"Messing with my face." I said.
"I'm not." She said
"Then who i- omy Riley get up now." I shouted.
I looked around and the whole house was covered with moths
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Step mom screamed.
"Kids let's go now!" dad shouted
I was a good thing that we left our things in the car the only thing we carried in was Riley's backpack her teddy bear and of course my phone.
We got in the car
"Wait my backpack and Charlie!" She screamed.
Charlie is her stuffed bear.
I open the care door "I'll go for it" I said.
I went inside the room we slept in, I saw her bag and bear but they were covered with moths. A next strange thing was that on the wall to my right they formed the shape of a lady. It look like the lady we saw last night. Luckily I took pictured of it with my digital camera that I almost left. I use it to take pictures of unexplained things like what is happening now. Quickly I left the left the house and went in the car. Dad drive off.
~Sigh of relief~
"Forget about this OK kids." Step mom said as she touched my knee.
I was going to tell her to take that hand of hers and shove it up her a**. But I don't want  anymore argument between me and dad and her especially her.
"Let's go home..... Our old home" dad said
Suddenly I had flashbacks of me and mom when she was alive,boy I miss her so much I knew that if she was here she would let him listen to me.
As the car slowly drove through the driveway I looked over the yard area and remember barbecuing chicken with her, she would always teach me how to cook. I looked at the  court and remembered her putting bandages on my leg because I was climbing the basketball hoop and fell which she told me not to do. I smile just by thinking about these memories. It just sucks that Riley never got to experience these thing with mom because she died when Riley was a baby. Also dad never told me how she died.
"Max Max Max back to earth." Riley laughed  waving her hand in front my face.
"Yes I'm here Riley from Space." I said tickling her.
She laughed " Let's go inside.
~6 hour later~
We manage to pack all our belongings in the house and ate dinner.
"Yes!" Dad shouted in glee.
Riley and I looked at each other
"The last person there is a rotten tomatoe." I said.
"Na uh." she said pushing me.
"What's the joy about dad?" I asked.
"I got you into a school." he said.
My dawns drop " Are you kidding me dad, could you not give me a week a week from school." I cried.
"Haha" Riley laughed slapping me on my left arm.
I smirked at her and cross my arms saying " You are going to school too."
"Nope she will not be going to school." Dad stated
"What!" Riley and I chorused.
My step Mom walked in saying " She is staying home with me she will be home schooled."
"What!" Riley and I chorused as we raised our eyebrows.
"Wow so nice of you dad, do you think school is a nice place, no it's not. I have to wake up 5:00 am every single day, the worst thing is we don't even get weekends. As soon as Friday appears teachers decided to give us a two year supply homework to complete in just two days. Now you tell me dad we go to school for 5 days just to get a 2 days break. Why does Riley get twenty four hours free for her life while I get six cruel hours for our lives. Why dad why I mea-." I said but was suddenly interrupted.
" Max you are going to school starting tomorrow have a wonderful night son." He said cutting in the middle of my speech.
"Riley baby goodnight." He said kissing her on her forehead.
My jaw fell in shock as I said " So what about my kiss dad."
"MAX your behind!" He shouted.
"Haha goodnight bro." Riley said running towards her room.
Shaking my head I walked up the stair took a shower brushed my teeth and went to bed. Let's see what the new environment brings for me now.

~Alright this is the end let me know what y'all think  until I get followers I think I want to give you guys a nice name. Also if I made any mistakes correct me please and tell me your favorite part in the story.
~Love mildex~

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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