Moving out

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I quickly got up seeing Riley standing at my door looking scared. This is not the first time this has happened, well it happens almost every night, she would have nightmares about some cult or her home well old home, some woods and all theses scary things, she would even have this creepy drawings and texts. I don't really understand why this happens but I try my best to make her feel safe. Whenever I tell Dad or Mom well STEP mom they would come up with excuses about her scared of what happened in her passed. Well they think so why can't they do something about it ugh thinking about it let me hate my STEP mom more I can't really hate my dad she is controlling him I swear.
They hardly have time for us and even if they do she wants dad all to herself psycho ass bit...
Any ways I told Riley that she could sleep with me to make her feel better.

(Couple hours later)
"Ahhhhh my neck my back jeeezzzz"
I woke up in pain I always forget how badly this girl sleeps. All I remember last night was Riley's foot in my face she kicked me slaps even pushed me off my bed. I think she dreams about being in a boxing ring I swear.
Yaawns and stretch
"Yes my back is back in position" I look in the mirror smirking.
"I see why I'm still a single ass 16 year old but I still love me anyways. I winked in the mirror checking myself out oo yeah.
Oh yeah I forget that we were moving today darn it.
"Riley wake up" I took the pillow and throw it at her.
(Minutes later)
We are all set. I'm ready to leave not really worrying about anything. I mean it's going to be a new environment new school I'll fit in eventually but the thing that makes me worry a little bit is Riley going back there, to Bellwood I could tell her facial expression saying I don't wanna go. Poor little sis this is going to be alot for a 9 year old girl.
"Hey big head don't worry everything is going to be alright, if anything is happening to you let me know I'm here for you know that right". I smiled at her.
She smiled nodding slowly
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
Are we-
"Riley no no no no no no we are not there now shout up please you are killing me slowly!"I shouted
"We are just hours away Riley." dad laughed
"We will be there by Sunday which is tommorow ok Hun" he looked around smiling at her.
"I'm hungry dad." Riley said
Me too
Dad stopped at a gas station and said that he will get us something to eat.
"I gotta peeee." My Step mom ran out of the car tiptoing
"It's getting dark so I am going to hurry, you guys stay here don't move and keep an eye on you sister." dad ordered as he ran towards the door.

Ok dad where else would I go I'm not stupid to go and run off like that I said to my self the only person who would do that is Riley I laughed in my mind.
"Right Ril-" gasp
"Oh no no no no no no noooo shiiiiiiiiip dammit Riley!" I opened the door seeing no one. Just as dad said keep an eye on your sister she is gone.
What is wrong with this girl.
"I'm fried not even fried I'm going to get burn like a burnt chicken nugget"
ha I laughed nervously not the time for bad jokes Max.
Riley! I shouted searching for her
O God what am I going to say to dad and well Step mom she would not even care anyways because Riley is not her child!
Ok Dad I was day dreaming and Riley disappeared no no no
Dad there was a hot girl asking for help so I offered to help her then Riley disappeared ughhhh
Dad a man came with a gun and said that if I moved he is going to kill Riley then he took her away.
Dad a big shadow came up and took Riley away saying that she is her mother.
Her birth mom came for her wait she dead
I'm going to lose my balls like literally.
"Leave me alone weirdo!" A voice screamed
Sounds like Riley I ran towards the noise which leads behind the storage room.
"Leave her alone!" I shouted.
It was an old man with a long beard he looked like gollum from Lord of the rings but the rip off version.
I grab Riley by her shoulder and pull her behind me. I wasn't afraid to fight an old man I really did not even care that he is old I will kick an ass if someone messes with my sister.

No no son you don't understand you should have no brought he back here. He said in a warning voice

What the fureck how did he know Riley?
"They will torcher her they will....protect her I warn you!" he shouted
I didn't pay any attention and just grab Riley's hand and walk away so that she does not get scared.
We walked back to the car seeing Dad's face purple seriously purple. My STEP mom was behind me smirking I hate her.
"No worries I got this Riley."
Where were you two is everything ok we heard someone shouting what happe-
"Dad I just went to show Riley something it's or little secret thing to do." I winked at her then she smiled at me.
"Oh good well back in the car everyone." He ordered.
It's was Night already we were having fun you know what family do on a road trip. I started it so Riley could get her mind of things. Then the radio chipped in playing a sound we all stop to listen.

~Welcome to Be be be be bell wood were we we chhhhhhhhhh
Turn back turn back you're going into trouble
Turn back turn back I warn you
Turn back before it's to late.~

Great just great just as I am about to help Riley with something this happens. Dad tried to shut it off but it would not, he changed the channel but the same song played anyways. Riley hold my hand and lay her head on my shoulder. This is not a good sign first the man now this.
"Maybe we should turn back dad." I said.
"What no silly it's just their channel it isn't working ,it's very old,Are you really making a radio scare you guys?" he turned around smiling.

Ch ch ch turrrrrnnn baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak
It stop
"See told you"
Dadd! Riley screamed

To be continued
So do you like it so far if there are any mistakes let me know, tell me your favorite part and I would appreciate if you guys like and follow me or even vote. 😁
If you don't I will find you😑 and will do nothing 😂 have a nice day or night 😬or evening🙃 thank you for reading my story.

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