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Due to a recent attack on UA high school, the school have introduced dorm rooms to house the students to keep them safe under the school's protection.

'Today's the day! The day I finally get to move into the dorms! I'm so excited, I'll be living with my other classmates, so cool!'

"Izuku, are you all packed?" Izuku heard the familiar voice of his mother call from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom! I'll be down in just a sec!" He called back, ruffling his unruly hair in his mirror in an attempt to fix it, to no avail.

Izuku grabbed his suitcase and headed downstairs to say goodbye to his mother. After saying his farewells, he then left and headed to UA. It was currently 4pm on a Saturday; the principal wanted the students to move in today so that they could adjust to living in the new dorms before school.

Before Izuku knew it, he'd arrived. He wandered around to the back of the school to find several new buildings situated in front of him. The school had some incredible budget, that was for sure.

"Deku! Hey!" Exclaimed a familiar, bubbly voice, diverting Izuku's attention.

"Uraraka! Hi! When did you get here?" He replied to the brunette, smiling warmly.

"Just a minute ago! Aren't the dorms HUGE?" She gawked. Uraraka grew up with little money, so the idea of living in a building of this size was almost unthinkable.

Izuku and Uraraka explored the new building for a while, goofing off in the gym room and chatting about random stuff.  Uraraka wasn't kidding, the dorm buildings were huge. Uraraka is a really good friend of Izuku's, they get along really well. After a while of exploration, Izuku and Ochako separated to unpack in their new rooms.

Izuku moved the final, empty box outside of his room, wiping the sweat off of his forehead with his sleeve. "Whew! That took longer than expected.. but at least I'm all unpacked now. I wonder what the others are doing, maybe I should go and explore a bit." Izuku muttered to himself.

With that, he left his room, making sure to lock the door behind him, and headed to the elevator. There were 4 floors in total, Izuku's room being on the third. He decided to travel to the 4th floor and found himself in what seemed to be a common room with his other classmates.

"Midoriya, I assume you're done unpacking?" Iida asked in his usual, formal manor.

Izuku giggled at this, before replying. "Yeah, it took longer than expected, but I'm all done! How about you guys?"

"We're all set too!" Kirishima replied, giving the greenette a thumbs up.

An hour passed of everyone chatting and eagerly finding out where everyone's dorms were; it seemed Izuku wasn't the only one excited about the new dorm rooms. Soon enough, it was time for dinner. Everyone who hadn't yet come to the common room were called in by Kirishima to eat.

The common room had a little kitchen in the corner and a dining table next to it. Yaoyorozu had kindly cooked for the whole class, seeing as it was their first day living together, she wanted to do something special. Izuku was sat between Uraraka and Tsuyu. Everyone was super hungry after such a long day of unpacking and exploring, but someone in particular seemed to be eating unusually quickly.

"Bakugou, slow down man, you'll give yourself a heart attack eating that fast!" The red-head stressed, watching in slight horror as Katsuki scoffed down his food at an inhuman rate.

"Shut it, shitty hair." Katsuki barked, placing his now empty bowl onto the table.

Katsuki had finished his food and aggressively pushed his empty bowl to the other side of the table, not bothering to wash it up. He then left the room abruptly to go back to his dorm.

'I wonder why Kacchan was in such a hurry to finish his food. And he seemed like he was in a really bad mood, although, Kacchan is always in a bad mood.' Izuku pondered, watching as Katsuki disappeared into the elevator.

Katsuki waited for the elevator doors to close, before slumping against the wall. 'Shitty dorms. What were they thinking, making us all live where we were fucking attacked in the first damn place?! I don't want to live with these losers, and especially not with that nerd. I already have to see that face every damn weekday, now on my fucking weekends too? That stupid smile of his, it pisses me off! Screw this, I'm going to sleep.'

Everyone finished up eating, Todoroki and Iida washed the dishes while everyone else disappeared back to their dorms, since it was getting late. Izuku practically threw himself onto his bed. He was so worn out that he didn't even have the energy to get under the covers. He lay still for a few minutes, until he felt his eyes begin to flutter closed, finally allowing himself to drift to sleep.

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