Scene 5 - Return

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We see Masie and Jackie returning back to their underground hideout where their master, Capone, waits for them. This is a different alleyway. It is still badly lit as we can just about make out the faces of the two criminals. They're both in a rush and needing to return to Capone as soon as possible. Their gait is quick and the pair seem tense.


The boss isn't gonna be expecting us back any moment now, Jackie. You know what he's like if we're late for appointments.


Ah come on! We did the job properly. That's what we're getting paid for, aren't we?


Yeah, yeah. We did the job properly. But we should have made the move sooner.


Forget it Masie. What's been done has been done. Besides, Mr. Capone will be pleased we took our time.


You think he might give us a pay rise?


Maybe. Hopefully, he might give us a chance with that Joy girl.

The pair laugh. Something is waiting in the shadows. A big, muscular figure hides in the shadows. It suddenly pounces out! Whatever this thing is, it's tall and incredibly muscular. We hear its metal of its feet stomp on the concrete. The two men stop, before looking up in terror at this thing. Their eyes widen, their bodies and voices shake from the person's highness looking down at the pair. It breathes angrily. We then turn to its eye perspective. A green glass covers the eye as different readings come from the left and right side of the being. These are instrument and life support system readings. There is a red glow over the men which flashes.


Hey, he, he, nice costume. Right?


You know Masie, I don't think he looks so friendly. Hay, I think we'd better get out of here.


Let me deal with this!

Masie pulls out a pistol and shoots at the glass. BAM! BAM! BAM! Jackie knocks him.


What did you shoot at it for you idiot?


But I... I... I shot him! I... I...

We see a target being aimed at the pair. Their faces drop as some kind of gun begins powering up. It is about to fire at them.


Masie, we gotta get out of here!


I'll blast this thing till...


Masie! Get out of here! Get out!

The gun is powered, as we hear it roar before blasting at the men, identifying them as "TARGET ACQUIRED, IN RANGE, 3...2...1! ZAM! ZAM!

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