Scene 3 - The Doctor?

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Martha can see some person from the other side of the console, a figure dressed in a black leather jacket and black trousers. A more rugged appearance compared to the man she knew, this had to be the Doctor. He looks up from his scanner that spins along the centre column to find Martha beside the doors. Martha had just met the Ninth Doctor...


Ah. Good. You're here. Don't just stand there. We've got things to do.

Martha out of shock simply follows the Doctor's instructions by closing the doors. The different Doctor wanders around his TARDIS console to greet her.

Well, well, well, I've heard much about you. I must say you have quite a long resume of qualifications and expertise. Quite remarkable. I was just reading up on it. Your name is?


Err... Martha.


Martha. Wonderful. Martha?


Jones. Martha Jones.


Pleased to meet you Martha Jones. I'm the Doctor. Well you know all that bit. Your superiors at the Shadow Proclamation would have informed you about all you need to know about me.

He then returns back to his console.


But I mean... it's like. Doctor?


Hmph? Oh yeah. It's called the TARDIS. An acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. Usually they say the famous line when they look around the exterior of the box.


Yeah, yeah. I know all that, but... you're different. You've changed. That means... unless... you're an earlier... and you haven't... What have I done?


Done what?


Okay, Doctor... for starters do you know who I am?


Of course I do. You're Martha Jones. And you are my assistant sent from the boys at the Shadow Proclamation to help solve their little crisis they've noticed.


Right. I think I get it. Ok.


Now, the briefing, Martha Jones. Come around here. Mind you it was a bit odd we should arrange to meet on Earth. It would have been easier for you to await at the Shadow Proclamation. Guess they don't want this old relic trespassing on their grounds.

The Doctor heads around to the scanner. Martha, a little shocked by her experience eventually gets around to him. The scanner represents the Earth as we see the looming spaceship above the planet. Designed in the shape of a triangle, formed by several smaller triangles that hold the ship up, the ship zoomed from deep space and arrived above the Earth. The exact location where it hovers along, flying parallel along with the rotation of the Earth, is the continent of America.

So. The ship travelled through the fourth dimension precisely 242 years back in time. They then programed their ship to fly towards Earth where it is now situated.


You mean then?


Now and then. Makes no difference. I must say you're fast at this time travelling stuff. But what matters is that they were detected heading towards the planet Earth. And we'll have to give them a taste of their own medicine you could say.


So, what are we looking for exactly. Who are they?


Trouble-makers, Martha. They're interfering in history. People up to no good. They have quite a fetish in your alcoholic beverages.


People from the future come back to steal some alcohol. Not really much of a grand masterplan is it?


The Brabantians thrive off growing yeast. To be fair, most funny little humans do too, apparently.


Aliens have travelled back in time to steal alcohol?


Exactly. A bit too funny be true, isn't it? Anyway, these aliens caught themselves in a bit of skirmish millennia's ago with the IronSword and Oripicini. Not the nicest aliens in the galaxy. But the Brabantians need the chemical of alcohol to help them and their power grow nice and strong so they can knock out their opposition.


And so they've finally come to Earth to extract it. I don't think they'll exactly come to Earth welcoming them kindly.


You took the words straight out of my mouth Martha Jones.


Then we've got to stop them from getting what they want, and possibly taking control of the Earth.


Right. Now thanks to their human associate that they aligned with, the Brabantians discovered the secret of time travel and arrived back to a point where the alcohol industry was thriving; 1929; The good old days of Prohibition.


Seems as though the human race would have time travel by... 2171.


Very good, Dr. Martha Jones. All we have to do is to get the Brabantians to shoo away and leave the Earth as it is. No interference in history. No textbooks rewritten. No alien invasion in January of 1929. I'm fully confident you know your context of the period, as a doctor.


January 1929? The year before we went to those Hooverville's and the Empire State Building.




Oh. Doesn't matter. I looked up about that era some point after we stopped travelling. Oh, this is great! I loved it when we went back in time. Back to Shakespeare, to 1913, or when we were trapped in 1969 and saw the Moon landing, four times I think it must have been. Oh, I wished we had of gone back to the Aztecs or the French Revolution. Or even back to Roman times like you did with Donna... op!


With what?


Sorry. Just some trip I went on, on one of my scholar expeditions.


Oh. I see.


So Doctor, now we know what we're facing, do we have a plan on how to stop them?


I usually improvise a way up Martha. We'll just have to see what we have when we get there. Right-o, on our way. It'll be a short journey, not even one hundred years back in time. Ready?



The pair smiles, as the Doctor pulls down the dematerialization lever. The pair hold onto the TARDIS as it begins shaking suddenly as the centre column begins rising up and down. The Doctor sets the TARDIS to head back in time and pulls the vortex loop. Now we are left to see the TARDIS shooting through the time vortex beginning to arrive in the 1920s...

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