Party Time

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(Yeah I jumped because I have no more fillers, sorry. These next few chapters are going to be pretty long...)

Stephen's POV

I woke up to a click and a giggle. I could still feel Hosuh's warmth around me and I didn't want to open my eyes. Until I heard the door close and I knew immediately what just happened. I leapt out of bed over Hosuh and dashed out the door to meet Gavin laughing in his room. I was about to strangle the guy, until I was distracted by the light coming from Gavin's hand. I pried his fingers apart and found his phone with a picture on it. A picture of me and Hosuh cuddling. It made a blush strike my face as I stared at it. I heard a high pitched yawn behind me and turned to see Hosuh rubbing his eyes.

"So Stephen~" Gavin gave me this strange smirk.

"Shut it."

"Hosuh~ How was he~"

Hosuh tensed up and turned his head away from us to hide his reddening face.

"W-we d- um- we, we didn't do-" Hosuh stammered.

"We didn't fuck, Gavin." I finished Hosuh's sentence.

"You wish you did~"

Gavin's words sent a chill down my back and made my blush explode. And I think he knew that. Hosuh grabbed my hand and kept me from killing Gavin.

"Um, Gavin-" Hosuh pointed to Gavin's phone. "C-can I see-"

Gavin laughed. "Oh course~"

Hosuh hesitantly took Gavin's phone and gazed at the screen. A gentle smile began to appear on his lips.

"Gavin, would you mind sending this to me?"

"HOSUH?!" I yelled.

"It's cute! And, I don't want to forget this..." His voice trailed off.

"You have discord, right?" Gavin took back his phone and started opening apps.

"Yeah it's....Plan, Beta-"

Gavin looked up from typing. "Hold on, "Plan Beta"?"

Hosuh nodded.

"Do you play Rainbow?" Hosuh looked at Gavin and slowly nodded. Gavin retreated to his computer and opened the game. He fumbled around with his contacts and opened a profile. Hosuh joined Gavin at his side.

"You have got to be kidding me." I wasn't looking at the computer, but I knew.

Hosuh and Gavin stared at each other and started screaming and hugging. "I've been playing with you?? For 2 years??" Hosuh could only laugh.

Then it hit me. 

"Oh nothing, I'm making fun of my brother for being gay and wanting to hard smash his future husband."

Oh. No. Hosuh suddenly tensed up and slowly turned his head to look at me with the widest and cutest smile on his face.

"Shut up."



Stephen's POV

For the next week Hosuh came over almost every day to spend time with Gavin and I. Having him over so often gave us lots of time to get to know each other even better, and as a plus, Gavin really likes him too! I think that if I introduce Hosuh to my parents, I'll at least have Gavin on my side. But anyway, the party is in an hour and I am freaking the hell out! I knew this was coming, but I never thought about what I am going to wear, or what I was going to do at the party, how much I was going to spoil the hell out of Hosuh. A man needs to think about these things! I decided to throw on my cream hoodie and a pink flannel. My favorite combination. I stared at myself in the mirror for what felt like forever daydreaming about how Hosuh would look. I snapped out of it and glanced at the clock. Oh God it was time. I took a deep breath and grabbed my keys.

"Best of luck lover-boy, don't have too much fun~" Gavin yelled as I left.

I nervously drove to Hosuh's house. Never in my life have I been this nervous. I was blushing and I haven't even looked at him yet. I sat in the car for a minute to calm my dick before I knocked on Hosuh's door. This wasn't prom or anything I shouldn't be nervous! I'll be fine! Until the door opened. Becca was standing behind the door smiling at me.

"Hello Stephen!" Becca leapt out of the house to give me a hug. "Hosuh is upstairs, come on in!"

I smiled and walked into the house.

"Hosuh~ A certain someone is here to see you~"

Ma'am is that tone necessary????

"I'm coming~!" A second later Hosuh came bounding down the stairs to meet me at the bottom. All my nervousness washed away as I admired him. He wasn't wearing anything fancy, I had just never seen him like this before. He had tied his hair up into a mid-high ponytail. He was wearing a white Adidas sweater with green stripes down the side of the sleeves, and complimented with a small collar and tie peeking out from the top. He had aced the casual and formal look at the same time. He finished it off with some pale blue skinny jeans, and the cutest smile.

And man did I love it.

"You ready to go?" Hosuh asked.

I nodded. I was blushing so much I didn't dare say a word. I waved to Becca as we headed out the door. Hosuh was beaming and walking really fast. He seemed excited for the night ahead of us, and I didn't blame him. As we drove Hosuh had turned up the radio and was screaming the lyrics. I had no idea what the song was, but Hosuh had me laughing the whole way there. I pulled up the directions Gavin gave me to check if we were at the right place. I was a huge house hidden in a private driveway, tucked behind a large grove of trees. The moment the car stopped Hosuh leapt out and was ready to party all night long. I wasn't even inside the house yet and I was already having the time of my life. Hosuh beat me to the door and the moment we stepped inside, I thought I was going to go deaf. The music was blaring, and when I tried to call for Hosuh I could barely hear myself. Hosuh and I took a small tour around the house, and suddenly Hosuh came to an abrupt stop in front of me.

"What is it Hosuh?" I yelled.

Hosuh turned around and pulled on my hoodie sleeve. I looked to where he was pointing. A circle of people with a few dancing in the middle. Hosuh gave me a wicked smile. I violently shook my head to say "hell no I can't dance." I don't think Hosuh cared. He dashed into the middle of the circle when he got the chance and I stood aside and watched. Someone call up Shakira, because when she said "hips don't lie" I don't think she knew how right she was. Hosuh was dancing like he was the only one in the room and damn did it turn me on. The way he moved to the music was perfect, like he had done this a million times before. He turned away from me, did a few more dance moves and when he turned back, he looked at me and winked.

That's it I'm gone.

The crowd screamed for Hosuh as he retreated back to the circle next to me. Hosuh was trying to say something but I couldn't hear a word. He grabbed my sleeve again and pulled me to a corner where I could.

"Hosuh, you- YOU'RE AMAZING!"

"Haha! Thank you! I'm really tired though so I'm going to get a drink, ok?"

"Sounds good! I'll be waiting here for you."



Hosuh's POV

I love dancing, but never have I danced in front of a group that big before. I liked the attention, and what I loved even more, what how much Stephen was blushing and staring at me like an idiot. And to add to it, when I winked at him, he lost it. I loved making him uncomfortable. I was going to dance for much longer, but I decided to have mercy on poor Stephen and cut it short. I didn't realize how tired I was. I needed to find a drink fast before I passed out. With all these people, God it was so hot. I let Stephen know, and I fled to find hydration. I made my way to the kitchen, where a large bowl of punch was waiting for me. I was about to grab a cup, when I felt a pair of hands grab my waist behind me.

"We meet again~"

I looked up to meet the familiar cold blue stare of Julian Martin.

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