Spoof Wake Up Call

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Stephen's POV

I was sitting in the back of the bus when it suddenly jolted to a halt. I kept my head lowered as I snuck a peak out the window in front of me. The smog was thick and the sun hadn't come up yet. Just eerie darkness. I hopped off the bus and quickly walked around a corner into a long back alley lined with abandoned fast food restaurants. It was a perfect set up. However God had other plans. There was a loud shattering sound followed by a redhead boy hitting the a chainmail fence. The boy looked very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I may have met him. He started running and instinctively I ran with him. We ran to the very end of the alley. Surrounded by nothing  but a concrete wall, a fence and an empty Taco Bell. Oh, and zombies. I have been fighting to discover a cure for this disease, but I have been able to find nothing but a very sad looking empty Panda Express.

The boy looked fearful and he had every right to be.

"Jaron! In here!" I yelled at the boy. I tried to think of how in the world I knew his name, but my mind did not allow me to logic my way out of it. I sprinted into the Taco Bell, Jaron following close behind. We entered the glass doors and immediately shoved greasy chairs and slid tables behind us, barricading the doors. I was in a frantic panic. This was how I was going to die. Alone with some kid I probably met at the park once when I was 5, and told him I would marry him or something. Dying in a lonely empty, dark, greasy Taco Bell. As I was overthinking my death, an idea popped into my head.

"Jaron! Go in the back and get the prepared burritos. As many as you can possibly find."

He looked confused as hell, but might as well go out being obedient.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I continued to barricade the doors to procrastinate, when Jaron returned a few minutes later. His shirt was folded into a pocket, and inside...was filled with frozen burritos. I smiled. We were thinking the exact same thing. Both of us jumped through the drive through window and booked it through the streets, hurling frozen burritos at every zombie in sight. Slowly, the zombies skin melted away, revealing the cured people underneath. Jaron and I threw the burritos at every person infected in the city. We started with only a handful, and somehow, like Jesus and the bread and fish, the burritos multiplied until the job was done. Jaron and I stood atop city hall basking in our heroism. My vision slowly faded to darkness....

And I began to see credits rolling through my eyes. One by one, everyone starring in the dream's cast. When the credits started to end, I heard loud repetitive beeping. It became very annoying and I prayed that it would stop.

Then I opened my eyes.

Ok ok ok ok.... So I had this funny idea of putting the end of Stephen's dream, and then him going to school, but this dragged out to be 507 words. By the way....This dream was not made up. I keep having this exact same dream every few years and it is hilarious every time. And yes. I did actually have a credit roll at the end of my dream.

Glass Euphoria | Stosuh Fluff |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon